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As in the following manner:-

Ascending order

VI+IX = XV (6+9 = 15)

XV+XC = CV (15+90 = 105)

CV+CM = MV (105+900 = 1005)

MV+M = MMV (1005+1000 = 2005)

Descending order

M+CM = CMM (1000+900 = 1900)

CMM+XC = XMM (1900+90 = 1990)

XMM+IX = IMM (1990+9 = 1999)

IMM+VI = MMV (1999+6 = 2005)

Note that today's modern enscription of Roman numerals differs in the way that the Romans themselves actually enscribed them in times gone by.

For instance today we would write out the equivalent of 1900, 1990 and 1999 as MCM, MCMXC and MCMXCIX respectively whereas the Romans probably simply wrote them out as CMM, XMM and IMM.

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Q: How would you add together 90 6 1000 9 and 900 using Roman numerals in ascending order then in descending order thus ensuring the accuracy of your final calculation?
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