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A trapezoid is a quadrilateral with one pair of parallel sides. Within an isosceles trapezoid, the angles at the base will be identical, and the two sides will be congruent. If you have the length of the base and the top, and the length of the diagonal, you can build this figure. Draw a line for the base, as you already know its length. Then set your compass to the length of the diagonal. With that length set, place your compass on each end of the base you drew, and draw an arc starting along the line of the base and going up to a point straight up from the point of the compass, which is on the end of the base. The top of your isosceles trapezoid will have endpoints on these arcs and (naturally) be parallel to the base. With the base drawn and the two arcs scribed, find the difference between the length of the base and the length of the top of the trapezoid. With the difference calculated, divide this length in half, and measure in from the endpoints of your base and mark this point. The endpoints of the top of the trapezoid will be on a line that is the verticle from these points you marked. Make a right angle at the points, and then draw a line vertically to the arcs you scribed. Where the verticals intersect the arcs will be the endpoints of the top of the trapezoid. With those points now discovered, draw a line from one of them to the other, and that will be the top of your trapezoid. You have drawn your isosceles trapezoid from the dimensions of its base, top and its diagonal.

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Q: How would you construct an isosceles trapezoid given the length of the top and the bottom and the length of the diagonal?
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Related questions

How would you construct a trapezoid given the length of the top and the bottom and the length of the diagonal?

Quite simply providing that it is an isosceles trapezoid otherwise you'll need to know the lengths of the 2 diagonals

What is an isosceles trapezoid?

It is a trapezoid in which the non-parallel sides are of the same length and subtend equal angles with the base. It can be viewed as an isosceles triangle whose apex has been removed by a line parallel to its base.

How much lines of symmetry does a trapezoid have?

If it is an isosceles trapezoid, then there is only one line of symmetry, right down the middle of it from top to bottom. If it is a plain old trapezoid with no congruent sides, then there are no lines of symmetry.

Can a isosceles trapezoid always be inscribed in a circle?

Yes it can because on both ends is always identical triangles on the ends to or bottom or left and right

Do the diagonals of a trapezoid bisect each other?

No, never. A trapezoid may have diagonals of equal length (isosceles trapezoid), but they do not intersect at their midpoints.Draw the diagonals of a trapezoid, for example, an isosceles trapezoid, thereby creating 4 triangles inside the trapezoid. Now assume the diagonals do bisect each other. The congruent corresponding sides of the top and bottom triangles with the included vertical angle would make the triangles congruent by the side-angle-side theorem. But this is a contradiction since the respective bases of the triangles, forming the top and bottom of the trapezoid are, of course, not equal. Therefore, the triangles cannot be congruent. Hence, we have given proof by contradiction that diagonals in a trapezoid cannot bisect each other.

When are three sides of a trapezoid congruent?

An isosceles trapezium in which the sloped sides are congruent to either the base or the top will have a total of three congruent sides. The top and bottom MUST be different.

Is a parallellogram a trapezoid?

No, a parallellogram has the same both "top" and "bottom" size. A trapezoid has diffrent both "top" and "bottom" size.

How may parallel sides does a trapezoid have?

A trapezoid has two parallel sides. The top and the bottom are parallel.

Does a trapezoid have to have one set of parallel lines?

Yes. The top and bottom lines of a trapezoid are parallel.

How many exterior angle in a trapezoid?

There are four exterior angles in a trapezoid, two on the top and two on the bottom.

Can you show me what a trapezoid looks like?

A trapezoid... looks like a triangle that's had the top sliced off. The top and bottom sides are parallel, and the sides slope inwards from the bottom to the top.

What is a minor diagonal matrix?

A minor diagonal matrix is one where the only non-zero entries are along the diagonal that runs from bottom most left to upper most right.