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Quite simply providing that it is an isosceles trapezoid otherwise you'll need to know the lengths of the 2 diagonals

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Q: How would you construct a trapezoid given the length of the top and the bottom and the length of the diagonal?
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How would you construct an isosceles trapazoid if only given the base angles and the length of the diagonal?

You can't construct a specific trapezoid. You need to know the length of at least one other side, otherwise the width of the trapezoid is indeterminable.

How would you construct an isosceles trapezoid given the length of the top and the bottom and the length of the diagonal?

A trapezoid is a quadrilateral with one pair of parallel sides. Within an isosceles trapezoid, the angles at the base will be identical, and the two sides will be congruent. If you have the length of the base and the top, and the length of the diagonal, you can build this figure. Draw a line for the base, as you already know its length. Then set your compass to the length of the diagonal. With that length set, place your compass on each end of the base you drew, and draw an arc starting along the line of the base and going up to a point straight up from the point of the compass, which is on the end of the base. The top of your isosceles trapezoid will have endpoints on these arcs and (naturally) be parallel to the base. With the base drawn and the two arcs scribed, find the difference between the length of the base and the length of the top of the trapezoid. With the difference calculated, divide this length in half, and measure in from the endpoints of your base and mark this point. The endpoints of the top of the trapezoid will be on a line that is the verticle from these points you marked. Make a right angle at the points, and then draw a line vertically to the arcs you scribed. Where the verticals intersect the arcs will be the endpoints of the top of the trapezoid. With those points now discovered, draw a line from one of them to the other, and that will be the top of your trapezoid. You have drawn your isosceles trapezoid from the dimensions of its base, top and its diagonal.

Is the length of the diagonal side half the sum of the bases of an isosceles trapezoid?

No, it is not.

How do you find the length of the midsegment of a trapezoid?

You must first know the lengths of the top and bottom of the trapezoid. At this point, you must average those lengths and that is your midsegment length.

How do you Find the length of the midsegment of the trapezoid?

You must first know the lengths of the top and bottom of the trapezoid. At this point, you must average those lengths and that is your midsegment length.

What is the length and width of a 7 inch screen?

7 inches diagonal top to bottom

What is an isosceles trapezoid?

It is a trapezoid in which the non-parallel sides are of the same length and subtend equal angles with the base. It can be viewed as an isosceles triangle whose apex has been removed by a line parallel to its base.

What is the length of the diagonal of a square with a side length of 5 in?

The diagonal length = 7.07 inches.

The perimeter of a rhombus is 40cm and the length of one diagonal is 16cm find the length of the other diagonal?

The length of the other diagonal works out as 12cm

What is the formula for diagonal length?

you have to figure out length times width to get the formula for diagonal length suckers

What is the area and volume trapazoid?

Area of a trapezoid = (1/2) x (height) x (top length + bottom length). A trapezoid has no volume. It's a 2-dimensional (flat) figure that can be drawn on a piece of paper, and holds no water.

Sides of a parallelogram are 15 cm and 8 cm. find the length of each diagonal if the larger angle is 100 degrees?

The length of the diagonal which is to opposite of 100⁰ angle is: diagonal length = √[152 + 82 - 2(15)(8)cos 100⁰] diagonal length ≈ 18 The length of the diagonal which is to opposite of 100⁰ angle is: diagonal length =√[152 + 82 - 2(15)(8)cos 80⁰] diagonal length ≈ 16