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Q: How would you determine what type of graph to use in representing data from a given experiment?
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What are the two ways of representing a graph?

finite and infinite graph.

How do you determine where to mark a point on the graph?

At the given coordinates where the x and y values intersect

How do you do a hypothetical economy graph?

Draw a graph representing a hypothectical economy

What is the difference between a constant in a graph and a constant in a experiment?

the difference between a constant in a graph and a constant in a experiment is that when on a graph, the constant is the thing that changes, and in a experiment it is the part that stays the same.

What type of graph is divided into sections each representing a percent?

pie graph

What situation you have you use a pie graph?

A pie graph is used when representing portions of a whole.

How can you make a graph with this experiment?

To make a graph with an experiment, it would be wise to make a short graph at first. Make a rough draft using basic numbers, and draw the graph after the information is gathered.

How do you find x and y?

More information is needed to determine x and y. Do you have a point on a graph? Are you given a formula?

What information can you determine from a bar graph that you cannot determine from a circle graph?


What does a line represent on a graph?

A point represents an infinitesimally small area in space. In the case of a line graph, and assuming the point is on the line, it represents the exact value of the linear function of x, f(x) or y, at any given value of x. The important thing to remember is that when you actually draw a dot on a graph representing a point, you're really representing an object with no dimensions.

What does a point represent on a line graph?

A point represents an infinitesimally small area in space. In the case of a line graph, and assuming the point is on the line, it represents the exact value of the linear function of x, f(x) or y, at any given value of x. The important thing to remember is that when you actually draw a dot on a graph representing a point, you're really representing an object with no dimensions.

What is a bar graph representing frequency distribution with no spaces between the bars is called an?

a bar graph