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Q: How would you estimate your values so you could avoid using a calculator?
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Do UK Mortgage Calculators give results in Canadian currency values?

They do not appear to, no. They give results in pounds and not the Canadian dollar. You should seek a mortgage calculator from Canada if you want to see Canadian currency values. Alternatively, you could use the British calculator and then use a separate calculator to convert pounds to Canadian dollars.

What information can a construction loan calculator provide?

A construction loan calculator could provide a rough or maybe even exact estimate on the cost for a construction project given that one has all required components for calculation.

What is the rounding key on a calculator?

It depends on the calculator. It could be "Rnd".

How is a present day calculator different from the Leibniz calculator?

Leibniz's calculator could multiply and divide as well as add and subtract. The pascaline calculator could only add and subtract.

How was the Leibniz calculator different from the pascaline?

Leibniz's calculator could multiply and divide as well as add and subtract. The pascaline calculator could only add and subtract.

How do you use a amortization loan calculator?

If you wanted to use a loan amortization calculator you would be using a calculator that would be consolidating your loans into one. You would be checking what the payment you could make to pay them all off is.

Where could one get advice on obtaining a closing figure for a mortgage?

If someone is looking for advice on obtaining a closing cost figure for a mortgage, they could use a closing cost calculator which can be found on Yahoo to estimate the closing costs. The calculator takes into account all of the finer details of getting a mortgage and figuring out the closing costs.

What's a good site to get an estimate car payment?

I believe the last time we bought our car we just went to the dealership website. There, the website had a calculator where you could plug in your numbers and estimate your payment. It helped us tremendously when we were preparing for our purchase.

How is the Leibniz calculator different from the modren calculator?

Leibniz's calculator could multiply and divide as well as add and subtract. The pascaline calculator could only add and subtract.

What is 73 x 10?

Without the aid of a calculator I can only estimate, but the answer is definitely within the range of 710-750. If you have a few days I could narrow it down further...

What would you do if you dident have spreadsheet?

You could use other computer applications to do some calculations or use a calculator or do them on paper.You could use other computer applications to do some calculations or use a calculator or do them on paper.You could use other computer applications to do some calculations or use a calculator or do them on paper.You could use other computer applications to do some calculations or use a calculator or do them on paper.You could use other computer applications to do some calculations or use a calculator or do them on paper.You could use other computer applications to do some calculations or use a calculator or do them on paper.You could use other computer applications to do some calculations or use a calculator or do them on paper.You could use other computer applications to do some calculations or use a calculator or do them on paper.You could use other computer applications to do some calculations or use a calculator or do them on paper.You could use other computer applications to do some calculations or use a calculator or do them on paper.You could use other computer applications to do some calculations or use a calculator or do them on paper.

What was the very first calculator used?

The very first calculator ever used could be an abicus, an electronic calculator, or even your brain. The first calculator invented was the abacus.