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How would you prove algebraically that the function: f(x)= |x-2|, x<= 2 , is one to one?

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Q: How would you prove algebraically that the function f(x) x-2 x 2 is one to one?
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How do you proving one-to-one function?

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No. If an input in a function had more than one output, that would be a mapping, but not a function.

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The zero of a linear function in algebra is the value of the independent variable (x) when the value of the dependent variable (y) is zero. Linear functions that are horizontal do not have a zero because they never cross the x-axis. Algebraically, these functions have the form y = c, where c is a constant. All other linear functions have one zero.For example, if your equation is 3x + 11y = 6, you would substitute zero for y, the term 11y would drop out of the equation and the equation would become 3x = 6x = 2

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It cannot be simplified algebraically and needs to be calculated.

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If you wish, you can summarize this into ONE type of interference, in which the magnitudes of the wave are added algebraically.

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No!!Per definitionem a prime number has exacty two distinctdivisors,namely 1 and itself.If 1 were a prime, it would be the only one, since every number is divisible by 1.Algebraically spoken 1 is called a unit.

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Can an invertible function have more than one x-intercept?

No. If the function has more than one x-intercept then there are more than one values of x for which y = 0. This means that, for the inverse function, y = 0 should be mapped onto more than one x values. That is, the inverse function would be many-to-one. But a function cannot be many-to-one. So the "inverse" is not a function. And tat means the original function is not invertible.

Do you want to Hear God Speak?

If he/she/it/they does exist, I would greatly appreciate hearing him/her/it/them. it would prove once and for all their existence, for one thing.