If you don't want to use complex, dazzling higher math theories, you should go about it like this:
-Show a single finger of your choice on one of your hands.
-Ask the inquiring person: 'How many is this?'. The answer should be 'one'.
-Show a single finger of your choice on your other hand, and ask the same question, receiving the same answer.
-Now show two hands and two finger simultaneously. Ask: 'How many is this?'. Now, the answer should be 'two'.
-Congratulate yourself on crushing your opponent with this flawless logic.
The above isn't a proof of course, but it illustrates that we consider the idea of addition to be self evident. Mathematicians prefer to define the integers and addition from a set-theoretic construction. I'll outline it for you.
First a few definitions:
Informally, a set is a collection of things called elements. Elements in a set can be almost anything you like, including other sets. On restriction is that sets cannot include themselves.
There is a set with no elements, called the null set. The null set has a special symbol of a 0 with a slash through it. Since I can't represent that properly here I'll use 0 .
We need the idea of a mapping between (non-null) sets. Informally a mapping is just a way of saying which elements of one set go with an element of another set. If you draw a picture of two sets and draw lines from every element of the first set to an element of the second, then the set of lines is the mapping--it just answer the question of what in the first set goes with what in the second. Note that every element of the first set is connected one element of the second set, but it's possible that not every element of the second set is connected to an element of the second set.
For example, "owns" is a mapping from the set of toaster owners (a sub-set of the set of people) to the set of toasters. Some toaster enthusiasts may own multiple toasters (such a mapping is called one-to-many), and some toasters may be owned by multiple people (such a mapping is many-to-one).
If every toaster is owned, this mapping is called onto. Technically a mapping from one set to another is onto if every element it the second set is the mapping of at leastone element from the first set.
A mapping is called a function if every element of the first set is mapped to exactly one element of the second set.
A function is a bijection if it is also a one-to-one and onto mapping.
Some examples:
Now we can develop a notion of "size" of a set. We can say that two sets have the same cardinality if there is a bijection from one set to the other. For example, the UPPER bijection given above says that the cardinality of the lowercase letters and uppercase letters is the same.
As notation, we can use |A| to mean the cardinality of set A.
Now we can define the integers in terms of cardinality:
0 = | 0 | (cardinality of the null set)
1 = |{ 0 }| (cardinality of the set containing the null set)
2 = |{ 0 , { 0 }}|
3 = |{ 0 , { 0 }, { 0 , { 0 |
As notation, we'll name these sets N0, N1, N2, N3, ....
Notice that (informally) the 0 set has no elements, the 1 set has 1 element, the 2 set has 2, elements, etc.
Each set is constructed as the successor of the previous set using
Ni+1 = Ni U {Ni}
where U is the traditional union operator. This says that the successor of Ni is constructed by taking all the elements of Ni and adding Ni itself. So |Ni+1| > |Ni|, in the sense that Ni+1 contains everything in Ni and something else.
Now that we've defined the integers, we just need to define addition.
Let Ni* be the set constructed by taking each element of Ni and paring it with the * symbol. So for example, N2* = {{ 0 ,*}, {{ 0 },*}}.
Clearly |Ni*| = |Ni|, by the bijection n -> {n,*}. However, no element of any of the N*s is in any of the Ns.
So we come to the crux of the matter:
For integers i and j, define
i + j ## |Ni U Nj*|
Here, "##" means "is defined as" since the typical symbol of 3 horizontal bars is unavailable.
So to show, for example, that 2 + 3 = 5, we need to show that |N2 U N3*| = |N5| we need to find a bijection between N2 U N3* = N5.
N2 ={
0 ,
{ 0 }
N3* = {
{ 0 ,*},
{{ 0 },*},
{{ 0 , { 0 }},*}
N5 = {
0 ,
{ 0 },
{ 0 , { 0 }},
{ 0 , { 0 }, { 0 , { 0 ,
{ 0 ,{ 0 },{ 0 , { 0 }}, { 0 , { 0 }, { 0 , { 0 },
The bijection is
0 -> 0
{ 0 } -> { 0 }
{ 0 , { 0 }}, -> { 0 ,*}
{ 0 , { 0 }, { 0 , { 0 -> {{ 0 },*}
{ 0 ,{ 0 },{ 0 , { 0 }}, { 0 , { 0 }, { 0 , { 0 } -> {{ 0 , { 0 }},*}
This can be generalized by an appropriate transformation of the elements in the N*, so that an appropriate bijection is created for arbitrary integers, but that's more than I'm willing to do, and probably more than you're willing to read!
Finally, to answer the original question:
1 + 1 = |N1 U N1*| = |N2| = 2
With the bijection
0 -> 0
{ 0 , *} -> { 0 }
This is how integer arithmetic can be construction purely from set theory.
No, because technically, it is not true.
1 plus 1 plus 1 plus 1 equals 1 times 4. 1 times 4 equals 4. 4 minus 4 equals 0. 0
1 plus 1 equals one fact
This appears to be a number trick or joke. The answer is that 1 hour, plus 1 minute, plus 59 minutes, will equal 2 hours.
Using a calculator
You can't it equals 2. You can't it equals 2.
No, because technically, it is not true.
This is a very difficult philosophical question. The best way to look at it is that 2 is defined as 1 plus 1 ! (If it isn't, how do you define 2?)
No...it equals 4...
1 plus 1 plus 1 plus 1 equals 1 times 4. 1 times 4 equals 4. 4 minus 4 equals 0. 0
4+1=5. Plus 4 equals 9. Plus 77685769844446473 equals 77685769844446482. Plus 3 equals 77685769844446485. Plus 8 equals 77685769844446493. Plus 1 equals 77685769844446494. Plus 9870998342523322424 equals 1064785604097768918. Plus 4 equals 1064785604097768922.
no if 1 plus 1 equals 2 then 2 plus 2 equals 4.
The answer would be your hands i guess. Two hands equals ten fingers?
1 plus 1 equals one fact
x would equal -1 and y would equal 1