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Q: How would you shade a grid to show ten thousandths?
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On a grid containing 100 squares, 25 percent of the grid would be equivalent to shading in 25 squares.

How would you show one thousandths?

1/1000 = 0.001

How would you show 0.4 on a ten by ten grid?

It depends on the scale you choose for your axes. If the major grid lines are at single integers (1, 2, 3...) then 0.4 would be 4 tenths of the way from the origin to the No.1 grid-line. If though you made every tenth grid-line = 1 then 0.4 would be the 4th grid-line.

How do you create a grid in Photoshop?

From the menu, go to: View>Show>Grid

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to show light and shade, without it it would all be mono-tone and grey.

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you need a grid because you need to use that grid to show the answer

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The color or shade of red used for Mickey Mouse's pants/shorts would depend on the setting of the scene in the movie or TV show. If the scene is in bright sunlight, a bright shade of red would be used. If the scene is in darkness, a darker shade of red would be used.

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The Cho Show - 2008 Off the Grid - 1.3 was released on: USA: 4 September 2008

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Graph it as a fraction