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Q: How would you share 108.00 equally among 4 people?
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Share 10.00 equally among 4 people?

Share 10.00 among 4 people

How do you share 3.60 equally?

To share 3.60 equally among a group of people, you would divide 3.60 by the number of people. If there are 3 people, each person would receive 1.20.

How do you share 2.70 equally among 3 people?

Divide it by 3 and you get 0.9 each

How do you share five pieces of 1 apple equally among three people?

you cut them in five peices

If you Share 56 equally among 7 boys what do you get?

you get 8 of whatever it is

How do you share shares in a new company of 5?

In order to share shares equally within a company, one would need to divide the shares equally among the initial shareholders. If there are 5 people with shares in a new company, each person should have 20% of the initial shares.

If you had 2 pieces of licorice to share equally among 3 people how much licorice would each person get?

They would each get two thirds of a piece.

How do you share 2 apples among 3 people equally?

Cut them into thirds and give everyone two thirds. OR give one person 1 apple then chop the other one in half and share it with your best friend!!

How do you share 5 apples between 7 people equally?

You make applesauce.

If you have 12 pieces of licorice to share equally among five people how much Licorice would each person get?

Each person will get aproxximately 2.4 pieces each

If 6 people share 240 equally how much will each person get?

40 each

The form of government in which all people share equally in work and profits is called .?
