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Q: How would you write 60 days is less than 90 days using the less than symbol?
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How do you write a date using the Julian calendar?

I believe, though not entirely certain, that you add all the days of the year that have passed so far, so if it was february 1, that would be 032, then add a backslash and the Julian year.

How many months is 150 working days?

150 working days, excluding Monday holidays, would be 30 weeks. This is approximately 7 months, using an average month of 30.4 days.

Is 2 years greater than or less than 730 days?

We can figure this out using the following information:There are 365 days in one year (not using leap years)So 730 days &Atilde;&middot; 365 days/year = 2 years. Therefore If both years are non leap years, 730 days would be exactly the same as 2 years. (730 Days = 2 Years).

How do you write 1609in Roman Numerals?

These days: MDCIX

If you start with 1 p and double it everyday how many days will it take you to get to 1 million pounds?

After 1 day, you would have 2 pounds. After 2 days, you would have 4 pounds. After 3 days, you would have 8 pounds. After 4 days, you would have 16 pounds. After 5 days, you would have 32 pounds. After 6 days, you would have 64 pounds. After 7 days, you would have 128 pounds. After 8 days, you would have 256 pounds. After 9 days, you would have 512 pounds. After 10 days, you would have 1.024 pounds. After 11 days, you would have 2.048 pounds. After 12 days, you would have 4.096 pounds. After 13 days, you would have 8.192 pounds. After 14 days, you would have 16.384 pounds. After 15 days, you would have 32.768 pounds. After 16 days, you would have 65.536 pounds. After 17 days, you would have 131.072 pounds. After 18 days, you would have 262.144 pounds. After 19 days, you would have 524.288 pounds. After 20 days, you would have 1.048.576 pounds. So you would have 1 million pounds after 20 days. If you would get the money exponentially (not double it on a certain point on the day, but just continuing to grow all day), then it would take you log(2,1.000.000)=19,931568... days. So the answer is 19,931 or 20 days.

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How would you write greater than 60 days using the greater than symbol?

90 days &gt; 60 days.

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&gt;30 days old

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It is written as &#26085; - according to Google translator.

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Back then They would train the bird to go a certain place. Then they would write the message and tie it on to their foot.

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Yes-- The woman was ailing due to her serious illness and the tragedies of days past.

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How do you write a date using the Julian calendar?

I believe, though not entirely certain, that you add all the days of the year that have passed so far, so if it was february 1, that would be 032, then add a backslash and the Julian year.

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How many months are in 70 days?

Different months have a different number of days. (ex. 30 &amp; 31) if you are using 30 days then it would be 2 months and 10 days.

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most days they would write but I don't know when or if they would have been sent