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>30 days old

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Q: How would you write greater than 30 days old using greater than symbol?
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How would you write greater than 60 days using the greater than symbol?

90 days > 60 days.

How do you write greater than?

The symbol for greater than is > as for example 8 > 6

How do you insert symbol greater than?

The symbol for greater than is >. If I were to say 9 is greater than 5, it would look like: 9 > 5. The other way to write it is 5 < 9, but this will translate to 5 is less than 9.

How do you symobolically write greater than 20?

If a number called 'N' is greater than 20, you would write N > 20 You can see how the symbol tapers down as it goes from 'N' to 20, because 'N' is bigger and 20 is smaller.

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How do you write greater than 50?

>50The quantity on the left of the > sign is the greater quantity. It could be a variable or expression [like 3x - 2 > 50].I learned it like the < or > symbols are like an alligators mouth. He's hungry, so his mouth will try to 'eat' [open up toward] the bigger numbers.

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A good question to write for the topic of buying symbol c stock, would be " What is symbol c stock and how does one but it?" Or "What are the good and bad qualities of buying symbol c stock?".

How do you write less than 300lb using less than symbol?

&gt;300 lb.

How do you write inches?

You can write inches using the abbreviation in. Inches are also written using the " symbol. Some examples are 5 inches = 5 in or 5 inches = 5".

Is at least algebra symbol?

At least means "greater than or equal to". In this browser it can be written as &gt;=, but if you were writing with a pen, you would write the equal sign underneath the &gt; sign, or even just double the lower part of the arrow.