One thousand billion in digits looks like this: 1,000,000,000,000
Write the number in blocks of three digits from the right hand end, then read each block from the left with the relevant multiplier: 6790062216 => 6 790 062 216: Short scale (as used in US): six billion, seven hundred and ninety million, sixty two thousand, two hundred and sixteen. Long scale (as used in Europe): six thousand million, seven hundred and ninety million, sixty two thousand, two hundred and sixteen. Alternative long scale: six milliard, seven hundred and ninety million, sixty two thousand, two hundred and sixteen.
"Ten hundred" is one thousand."One thousand" million is one billion.One billion looks like this ==> 1,000,000,000
One thousand billion in digits looks like this: 1,000,000,000,000
One thousand billion in digits looks like this: 1,000,000,000,000
the place values above 1,000,000,000 areten million, hundred million, thousand million, ten thousand million, hundred thousand million,billion, ten billion, hundred billion ,thousand billion, ten thousand billion, hundred thousand billion, million billion (I Think) trillionalso a number with a hundred digits is a googol and 1000 digits is a decaplex
In digits: 1,001,001,001 (Using the accepted "short scale" billion, which equals one thousand million.)
There are 10 digits in a billion.