three hundred ten million, seven hundred sixty-three thousand, one hundred thirty-six
The word uniform has three syllables. (Un-i-form)
Thirty-four million two hundred thirty-five thousand three hundred forty-five.
The word for 21 in French is vingt-et-un.
Trafalgar Square: Place de Trafalgarsquare (form): un carréa square kilometer, square mile: un kilomètre carré, un mile carréThe French word for a square shape is un carré.
The French word for 31 is trente et un. The French word for thirty-first is trente et unième - take note of the grave accent in the word unième.
The word uniform has three syllables. (Un-i-form)
Thirty-four million two hundred thirty-five thousand three hundred forty-five.
The word for 21 in French is vingt-et-un.
"Un" is not a root word by itself. It is often used as a prefix in English to form negative words or opposite meanings, such as "unhappy" or "unfortunate."
The prefix is "un" for the word unsatisfied
Trafalgar Square: Place de Trafalgarsquare (form): un carréa square kilometer, square mile: un kilomètre carré, un mile carréThe French word for a square shape is un carré.
The indefinite form for "mapas" in Spanish is "un mapa".
A prefix of "man" could be "un-" to form the word "unman."
When and why did the UN form?
The word 'unlucky' is an adjective form of the noun luck.
penguin is a masculine word and it is un manchot. there is no feminine form of that word because it is masculine.
A base word is a 2 word example: un, ed, ing, a for apartment and in like inside and install.