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Pulse and pendulum According to his first biographer Viviani, Galileo experimented with synchronizing two clocks -- the human pulse, and a pendulum -- in his student days at Pisa. The resulting invention, the "pulsilogium", represented the pulse rate as the length of the pendulum. Try making a pulsilogium: adjust the length of a pendulum so that its rate of swinging agrees with your own pulse. Mark the length. Then adjust the same pendulum for your lab partner's pulse -- is there a detectable difference in pulse rate? 2. Pendulum length and frequency It would be good to know what pendulum length means as a frequency (or pulse rate).

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Q: How you can use a simple pendulum to measure the pulse rate?
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What are the medical applications of a simple pendulum?

A simple pendulum can be used in medical applications to measure a patient's pulse rate. By counting the number of swings of the pendulum in a given time period, a healthcare provider can determine the patient's heart rate. This can be a simple and effective way to monitor a patient's vital signs in certain situations.

Why when we speed up our heart pulse rate increase?

The pulse is a measure of the heart rate.

What does the pulse measure?

The number of times your heart beats in a minute, the heart rate.

Why do you measure pulse rate?

because they care

Why do you measure pulse?

To determine the subject's heart rate.

What is pulse rate a measure of?

22It's a measure of how many times your heart beats in a minute.

Is it true or false that the faster your heartbeats the slower your pulse will be?

That is false. Your pulse is a measure of your heart rate. The faster your heart beats, the higher (faster) your pulse will be.

Why don't you get the same result each time you measure your resting pulse rate?

because each time your pulse rate may increase or decrease it depends on your movment

What do the doctors use to measure a persons pulse rate?

i don't know sorry!

Does the pulse measure?

The number of times your heart beats in a minute, the heart rate.

Is pulse rate part of the circulatory system?

The pulse rate is a count of the hearts beats per minute, so the pulse rate itself isn't part of the circulatory system, but instead is a method used to quantify (measure) the strength and consistency of the circulatory system.

What do you measure to find how fast the heart is pumping?

the pulse rate.