

How you measure the Shape?

Updated: 9/23/2023
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10y ago

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You can measure the shape by calculating its area. The formula of an area depends on the shape you want to measure. Here are some formula of an area:

Circle= get the square of the radius and multiply it by pi constant

Square= get the square of one of the sides

Rectangle = multiply its length by its width

Triangle= multiply the base by its height and divide the product by two

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Q: How you measure the Shape?
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If the shape is a regular polygon or curve there are formula for each shape. If the shape is irregular you will have to measure each piece of the shape's edge and sum all the pieces together.

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you times the width by the legnth of the shape

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Measure the edge of the shape object and label it what ever you measure REMEMBER TO MEASURE EACH SIDE

What is the area of any shape?

It is a measure of 2-dimension space that is contained within the boundaries of the shape.It is a measure of 2-dimension space that is contained within the boundaries of the shape.It is a measure of 2-dimension space that is contained within the boundaries of the shape.It is a measure of 2-dimension space that is contained within the boundaries of the shape.

What shape has an area of 23mm?

No shape can have an area of 23 mm since that is a measure of length, not area.