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17.6 is a decimal.

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Q: How you write 17.6 as a decimal?
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t is: 176/10 = 17.6 as a decimal

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176/10 is equal to 17.6

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It is: 176 = CLXXVI

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The decimal equivalent of the binary number 10110000 is 176

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.261 is the decimal part while 176 is the whole number

How do you rewrite a percent as a decimal?

You simply take the percent sign away and move the decimal 2 places to the left. Every whole number, though not neccessarily shown, has a decimal point on the right; for example, the number 28 is really 28. and 176 is 176. To make 28% (same as 28.%) in decimal form, you move the decimal point 2 places to the left and drop the percent 28% is .28 and 176% (or 176.%) would be 1.76

What is the whole number portion of the decimal 176.261?

It is 176

How could you write 178 as a mixed number?

It could be written as something like 176 4/2 but that would be pointless. Are you sure you didn't leave out a decimal or something?