

IQ OF 112

Updated: 10/17/2022
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13y ago

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Just above average (average is 100). It's around the 22nd percentile. Meaning, if its right, 78% of people have lower IQ than you.

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What does an IQ of 112 mean?

The IQ of 112 means that your average but fairly high.

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What is steven tyler IQ?

steven tylar's IQ is 112

Is IQ of 112 good for 9 year old?

An IQ of 112 is above average for anybody. IQ is not dependent on age it is a Quotient (that s where the Q comes from) and in the formula for calculationg IQ, the age is a factor so a 9 year old with an IQ if 112 probably knows a lot less (is dumber) than a 26 year old with an IQ of 83.

112 a high IQ score?

Yes slightly above average IQ

What does the IQ of 112 mean for a 30 year old man?

The average IQ is supposed to be 100 +/-15. so an IQ of 112 means the person is at the upper end of the normal range.

Are you stupid if your IQ 112?

No, an IQ of 112 is slightly above average, indicating that you are of above-average intelligence compared to the general population. Intelligence is a complex trait influenced by various factors beyond IQ, and it does not determine one's overall worth or capabilities.

What is the average IQ of most people?

99 to 112

Is a score of 112 in an IQ test a good result for a 22 year old female?

IQ does not change with age. 100 is supposedly the average so 112 is fine.

Is a 112 IQ average for a 19 year old female?

Yes, an IQ score of 112 is slightly above average for a 19-year-old female. Average IQ scores fall within the range of 90-110, so a score of 112 indicates above-average intelligence. However, IQ scores should not be the sole measure of a person's abilities or potential.

Is 112 a good IQ?

An IQ score of 112 falls within the average range of intelligence. This means the individual likely possesses cognitive abilities that are typical of the general population. IQ scores can vary and are just one measure of intelligence.

Is 112 a good IQ for 19 year old male?

An IQ of 112 is slightly above average, as the average IQ is around 100. This score suggests above-average intelligence, which is positive. IQ scores are just one measure of cognitive ability and do not fully capture a person's overall strengths and abilities.