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Q: I feel strongly that I'm not going to live till 20 is this normal?
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What is an advantage of having one predominant number system?

if you were going to live inamerica you wouldn't have to learn a completely new number system

How much is 12.99 plus tax?

That's going to depend on what state, city, and county you live in, and what you bought.

What are the taxes on 1.5 million dollars?

That's going to depend on how you got it, where you got it, what you did with it, what else you got in the same year besides the $1.5 million, and where you live.

Will it rain tomorrow?

It all depends were you live! If you live in the U.S.A you might get rain. If you live in the northeast of America you might get a lot of rain today, if you live in the south east there is a Tropical storm heading your way, if you live in central you're not getting any rain, if you live up north no rain for you. If you're down south, you'll get some sprinkles, if you live in th south west like I do, you'll get alot of rain. In the west there is no rain. I'm going camping up in CottonWood and hoping it won't rain! But there are floods in Flagstaff. (Big ones, and I think you know where I live) There is a 50% chance that it will rain tomorrow

What if you want to commit suicide?

I'm assuming you think you want to commit suicide after reading this question. The answer to your question is go and get help from a doctor, to you the idea might scare you, maybe you fear the consequence of approaching a doctor and telling them how you feel, it might seem dramatic but don't worry and don't feel dramatic they are there to help, it's worth a try. At times like this you might feel like things might not get better but if you hang on things will get better, think of all of the people who could have commited suicide but have pulled through and gone on to live good lives. You only know for certain that you get one life, don't throw it away. You don't have to live this way there is help available.

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A clone can not live as long as you it can live shorter or longer but mostley shorter. A clone can live as long as it wants. Why do we need a clone? Do you think that a clone could feel like a natural being like us, can it feel frustrated, sad, joy or even hunger?

Is it normal to have doubts about the person you are marrying?

Most people do have small doubts about the person they are marrying. This is because you are going to spend the rest of your life with them. However, this is just nerves. If you love this person, and feel as though you can't live without them, you are doing the right thing.

What is a normal life?

When you think your life is going to be okay. If you life on happy family I think that will be a normal life without you must worried. And live with ur around way.

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Live lobsters do not squeal before going into the pot to cook. Lobsters do not make any noise. They do not have vocal cords. Studies have shown that lobsters do not feel pain.

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yes you can I'm asthmatic and i live a normal life

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It could be that you feel independent... and you like having fun but it is normal wanting company with the opposite sex. Cause one cannot be alone always..

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cause the have seen god live after death

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there is no such thing as a normal life

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You really want to and have to abide by local laws some places do not like when you disobey or live outside their laws and beliefs you can be arrested and jailed in places for such simple things that in the U.S. you may feel is normal. It is good to read up on local laws of wherever you go before actually going to know what is law abiding or not or even what they accept.

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The fact that they did live near the Nile suggests very strongly that that is where they wanted to live.

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They feel like they live in a paradise. They get money from the government for doing nothing. They can do whatever they want and the police cant do anything about them. If a normal person has a dispute with them the native gets always right. They are drunk the most time and everywhere.

Why did st valentine believe in live so strongly?

he thought that its in correct to hove no love in our world or to live with each other with not being married.