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1.5 l + 1.2 l = 2.7l

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Q: I have 1.5 liters of orange juice and 1.2 liters of apple juice how much juice do I have in all?
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Bart is making 9 liters of fruit punch, which consists of two ingredients: apple juice and cranberry juice. The recipe says to mix together twice as much apple juice as cranberry juice.How much apple juice does Bart need?Write the answer in milliliters.

How much apple juice can you get from 1 apple?

the average person drinks orange juice like a little pig. u can get 100% of orange juice from a lemon. IM AWESOME LIKE PETER PARKER AND KADIR NOUR!! I LIVE IN NEW YORK. and kadir is nooot awesome just saying....

Would orange juice or pineapple juice substitute for apricot nectar?

Peach will do the trick, but if you are using it to put a glaze on ham, chicken, etc., then you can use apricot jam.

How much does an 8 ounce glass of apple juice weigh?

An eight ounce glass of apple juice weighs; 8 ounces, 1 cup, 16 tablespoons, 48 teaspoons, .062 gallons, .23658 liters, .5 pounds, 226.796185 grams, .226 kilograms.

Which contains the most acidity apple or pineapple juice?

Basically, they're about the same. It will depend on the type of orange and apple, as different breeds of each have slightly different pH's. Most oranges have a pH of between 3.1 - 4.1. Apples tend to have a pH of between 3.3 - 3.9 depending on type. Due to this, there is a wide range of pH's in both types of juice depending on the stock used. Orange juice tends to be between 3.6 - 4.3 once squeezed, and apple juice tends to be in the 3.4 - 4.0 range. This is of course for pure juices. Many juice drinks have additives which alter the pH greatly.

How much protein is in a cup of orange juice?

It depends on what type of orange juice it is. But, i do know that orange juice has alot of acids in it.

Does milk freeze faster than orange juice and apple juice because of the amount of water in it?

Yes, milk freezes faster than orange juice and apple juice because it has a lower sugar content and higher water content, which allows it to freeze more quickly. Sugar and other solutes in orange juice and apple juice lower the freezing point, making them freeze more slowly than milk.

How much water in an apple juice?

It is 75% in apple juice or 3/4.

How much vitamins in Orange juice?

how much vitamin c is in an orange compared to concentrated Orange Juice withou added vitamin c

How much carbon dioxide is in orange juice?

Orange juice is a mixture, it does not have a chemical formula.

Ratio of orange juice to pineapple juice is 4 to 3.There is 64oz of orange juice how much pineapple juice is needed?


How much vitamin c is in apple juice?

This site give a breakdown. Kiwis and strawberries have more Vitamin C than oranges.