No.They strike near the boundries of tectonic plates.There for it could be whenever.
There could be a few reasons on why your 73 Bettle is shaking so much. It could be because the spark plugs are g bad or the transmission is messing up.
Whenever you are dealing with very small or very large numbers.
try it out in real life, or draw it out. Basically if you have 5 people at the party and every one shakes hands (if this is what you mean) you could do this: draw 5 dots in a circle, and draw a line between every single dot, count the lines and voila you have your answer
Math helps you with daily life. If you did not know how to add or subtract, you could not give someone a certain amount of $ or be sure if the $ you get is enough. try this, whenever you do a daily task, look and see how #"s relate to it.
could be bad alignment
depends on when it shakes if it shakes when you put on the brakes-warped rotors otherwise it could be ball joints, steering joints, wheel bearings or even out of balance tires
If your car shakes when you turn left, this could be a number of things. It could be the alignment, suspension, or something else. It's best to get it checked out right away.
It could be wheel balance or worn out steering joints. Have it checked by a trusted garage soon!
Could be that the steering wheel rubber bushing is worn or lose. This bushing is located in the engine compartment, between the end of the steering wheel coulomb and the steering wheel likage...Tom
if it shakes while your braking your front roters could be warped or if it shakes while your driving try balancing the tires at a tire shop.
Probably worn steering parts such as the tie rod ends or idler arm. Have it inspected soon by a trusted garage mechanic, you could lose your steering.
My steering wheel shakes what could this mean? _____ try getting your car re-aligned.
is this 4 wheel drive
It is likely a brake rotor has to much run out (warped). There could also be some problem with steering or suspension components.
Check the entire front end. The tie rod ends or ball joints could be wearing. The tires could be worn or out of balance. And the front end could be out of alignment.