That depends on what units you want to convert 125 feet into. My guess is you want to move it into the metric system. 125 feet is 38.1 meters, or .0381 kilometers.
To convert any measurements, type on google; what you want to convert (in this case 5.48 feet) and then what you want to convert it into(in inches). 5.48 feet=65.76 inches
There is no such unit as "cubic square feet". If you want to calculate the cubic feet of volume in a room, multiply the room's length (in feet) by its width (in feet), and then multiply that result by the room's height (in feet).
It depends on the units to which you want to convert it. If you want to convert it to feet, knowing that there are 5280 feet per (statute) mile, you get 132,000 feet. (Nautical miles are larger than land (statute) miles, presume you mean statute.
It is about 9 feet, but if you want the exact, it is 8.875. An inch and a half short of 9 feet...
well if they are angry or just want someone to smell there feet
I want to smell my aunts feet so bad they just look so good specialy when shes weating flip flops
Why would you want to dumbo?
because your feet sweat and the sweat sits there and releases a gas to make the smell. Thank you for using
If you put baby powder on your feet once or twice a day or if you put on deodorant specifically for your feet once or twice a day. If your shoes smell try putting dryer sheets in your shoes overnight or until you like the results. Hope this helps!
The size of the feet is not the reason they smell worse or better. It is usually hygiene or health that causes feet to smell bad ,,,, not their size.
It's a kink or fetish.
no because usually dogs feet doesn't smell!!!!!
Because to some men, feet are as beautiful as the woman's face, breasts etc. Not all men like to smell feet and those that do like to smell feet, do like all feet.
ya i wanna know if my feet smell.
yes, they smell, they smell bad
I'd love to smell them.