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Mathematics is critical to helping out with science experiments. They help to ensure that you are getting everything in order and calculated right.

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Q: Identify the different mathematical concepts involved solving problems using scientific notation?
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What are the incas purpose for any noteworthy mathematical concepts?

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what operation is being formed 2.5x10^2+2.5x10^4=

What could be used by a student to better understand scientific principles and concepts?

Physical evidence, mathematical models, and computation tools

What are the mathematical concepts involved in solving scientific notation?

Scientific notation is used when vast quantities of numbers are used such as the distances of faraway planets or in biology when the tiniest of decimals are used.

How is Mathematical concepts used in communication?

I DON'T KNOW HOW IS MATHEMATICAL CONCEPTS USED I COMMUNICATIONmath models are evolved to get theoretical results

What is a visual or mathematical representation used to develop scientific explanations?

A visual or mathematical representation used to develop scientific explanations is called a model. A model can be a diagram, graph, equation, or any other representation that helps scientists understand and explain a scientific phenomenon or process. Models are used to simplify complex concepts and aid in the development of theories and predictions.

Mathematical concepts developed by the Gupta Empire helped Muslims invent .?

Mathematical concepts developed by the Gupta Empire helped Muslims invent algebra.

Square and square roots?

Yes, they are mathematical concepts.

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Who created polyhedrons?

No one. They are discoverable mathematical concepts.

What do rational numbers do?

Rational numbers are mathematical concepts. They do not do anything.