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I am guessing it is water.

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Q: If 15 percent is sandy and 70 percent is rocky What is the other 15 percent of the Sahara desert made of?
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Why is it that the Sonoran Desert is rocky while the Sahara is sandy?

The Sonoran Desert also has sandy parts and the Sahara has rocky places.

What is more than 90 percent of Libya covered in?

More than 90 percent of Libya is covered by desert, primarily the Libyan Desert which forms part of the larger Sahara Desert. This arid landscape consists of vast stretches of sand dunes, rocky plateaus, and sparse vegetation.

Is Sahara desert sandy or rocky?

It is both. the sandy part is called erg and the rocky part is called reg

Is the Sahara desert flat or rocky?

most of the Sahara is flat, but there are some very high mountains in western and central parts.

Does the white spider live in the Sahara Desert?

The white widow spider, known scientifically as Latrodectus pallidus, is not found in the Sahara Desert. It primarily inhabits arid and rocky regions in North Africa, such as those in Morocco, Algeria, and Tunisia. The Sahara Desert mainly hosts other species of spiders adapted to its extreme arid conditions.

What type of climates do you find in the Sahara desert?

The Sahara is the world's largest hot desert and covers most of northern Africa. ... However, most of the Sahara is characterized as rocky hamada, a type of desert ... is an experience you will never forget and one which we hope will ... I wonder what else we'd find there if we did more research in that area.

What spans most of north Africa and covers an area of land about the size of the United States?

The Sahara Desert covers most of North Africa. The Sahara Desert is the largest subtropical hot desert and third largest desert in the world, after Antarctica and the Arctic.

What are the differences between the Sahara Desert and the Arabian Desert?

The Sahara is a desert with almost no vegetation and rainfall.The Sahel boarders the Sahara all the way around and the Sahel has more vegetation than the Sahara.This is coming from an awesome 12 year old.

What is a reg desert?

it is a rocky desert. the other type are erg deserts which are sandy deserts.

Is the Atacama Desert sandy?

Parts of the Atacama Desert are sandy, other parts are rocky.

What are four examples of regions?

The Amazon rainforest in South America The Sahara Desert in Africa The Great Barrier Reef in Australia The Rocky Mountains in North America

What is the major landform of northern Africa?

The Sahara Desert is the major landform of northern Africa, covering a large portion of the region. It is the largest hot desert in the world, characterized by its vast expanse of sand dunes and rocky plateaus.