

Words to describe rock's texture

Updated: 9/15/2023
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Q: Words to describe rock's texture
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What are some descriptive words for texture?

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What Mineral alignment in a metamorphic rock usually gives the rock a porphyritic texture?

The alignment of large porphyroblasts in a fine-grained matrix results in a porphyritic texture in metamorphic rocks. This texture is commonly seen in rocks that have undergone regional metamorphism, where minerals like garnet or staurolite form large crystals in a finer-grained background.

What are some words that describe texture?

Tactile Texture.

What term is used to describe metamorphic rocks with banded texture?

The descriptive term is foliated. They are said to exhibit foliation.

Describe and explain the difference in the crystalline texture of volcanic rock and rock formed from an intrusion?

Volcanic rock forms from lava that cools quickly on the earth's surface, resulting in fine-grained texture due to rapid cooling. Intrusive rock forms from magma that cools slowly beneath the earth's surface, resulting in a coarse-grained texture due to slower cooling. The difference in cooling rates influences the size and arrangement of mineral crystals within the rock.

What are some non examples of texture in rocks?

Texture in rocks is not the same as color or shape. Texture refers to the size, shape, and arrangement of mineral grains or crystals within a rock, while color refers to the outward appearance of the rock. Similarly, shape in rocks refers to their physical form or structure, and not the internal arrangement of mineral grains which defines texture.

What rocks have a pyroclastic texture?

Volcanic rocks such as tuff and ignimbrite typically have a pyroclastic texture. These rocks are formed from the accumulation of volcanic ash, pumice, and other volcanic fragments that are deposited during explosive volcanic eruptions. The fragments are welded together upon cooling to form a solid rock.

Is porphyritic texture is not a feature of sedimentary rocks?

Correct, porphyritic texture is typically associated with igneous rocks and is not a common feature of sedimentary rocks. It is characterized by larger crystals, known as phenocrysts, surrounded by a fine-grained or glassy matrix. Sedimentary rocks are formed through the accumulation and lithification of sediments, which do not typically undergo the same crystallization processes as igneous rocks.

Is granite foliate?

No. Foliation is a texture most often used to describe the banded, platy, or layered appearance of certain metamorphic rocks.

How are rocks idenified?

rocks are idenified by texture

What is the texture of igneous rock?

Phaneritic is the texture of igneous rocks. These types of rocks crystallized slowly.

Metamorphic rocks are rocks that?

Usually have a rougher texture