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Q: If 20 of a grade is 100 out of 100 what is the final grade?
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What is the equation to figure out what grade you need on a final?

You first need to know how much the final contributes to the total grade. Let that be X%, so the final contributes X/100 to the semester grade, and your work, so far, contributes (1 - X/100).If G is your average before the final, and F is the grade earned on the final, and T is the total grade:T = G*(1-X/100) + F*(X/100). Rearranging, we get:F =(T-(1-X/100)*G)/(X/100)So if the final is worth 25%, {X/100 = 0.25}, and you have an 89, now, substituting in, you would need a 93 on the final to get a 90 for the class.If the final is worth 25%, and you have an 95, now, you would need a 75 on the final to get a 90 for the class.

How can you find the grade average from 4 wrong out of 20?

First, you convert them to 100. 4/20=16/100 The subtract 16 out of 100. 100-16=84

How do i average my grade when my grade is an 82 and my final was a 73 and the final is worth 25 what is my final grade?

If final is 25% of grade and your average was 82 before final that part is 75%. So we have (.75(82) + .25 (73)) = 80

How much could your grade improve with a 30 percent final?

The impact of a 30 percent final on a student's overall grade will depend on various factors, such as the weighting of other assignments and exams. Generally, a strong performance on a 30 percent final can significantly improve a student's grade, especially if they had struggled in other areas. However, the exact improvement will vary depending on the individual's performance on the final compared to their performance in other assessments.

What is the grade if you get 3 wrong out of 20 question test?

20-3 = 17 and 17/20 = 85/100 = .85 or 85%. Percent is a ratio per cent or 100. Multiplying both the 20 and the 17 by 5 will make the denominator 100 and the percent sought after.

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What is the equation you use to find what grade you need to get on a Final to maintainbring up your grade?

It depends on the weight given to the Final Exam. However, Here is an example where there are three components to the final grade, Attendance, Quizes and the Final Exam: {D - W(A) - X(Q)}/Y = Grade Needed on Final Where D = your desired final Grade. W= the weight given to Attendance (like 20%) and A=your current Attendance grade. X=the weight given to Quiz grades (like 30%) and Q=your current Quiz grade. Y=the weight given to the Final Exam (like 50%) W + X + Y must = 1 (100%) So, if you want to end up with a final grade of 90, and your Quiz scores average 80 but you have a 100 in Attendance, the formula is: {90 - .2(100) - .3(80)}/.5 = (90-20-24)/.5 = 46/.5 = 92 grade neede on Final If there are more than 3 components, the weight and current grade would go into the formula just like W(A) and X(Q), as a subtraction from D. Just make sure that all your weights always add to 1.

What is the equation to figure out what grade you need on a final?

You first need to know how much the final contributes to the total grade. Let that be X%, so the final contributes X/100 to the semester grade, and your work, so far, contributes (1 - X/100).If G is your average before the final, and F is the grade earned on the final, and T is the total grade:T = G*(1-X/100) + F*(X/100). Rearranging, we get:F =(T-(1-X/100)*G)/(X/100)So if the final is worth 25%, {X/100 = 0.25}, and you have an 89, now, substituting in, you would need a 93 on the final to get a 90 for the class.If the final is worth 25%, and you have an 95, now, you would need a 75 on the final to get a 90 for the class.

How does one culculate a grade when using a point system max is 20 points?

if you are looking for a grade that is out of 100, take the amount of points you got and divide by 20. then multiply by 100 for example if you got 17 out of 20 points 17/20=.85 multiply by 100 the grade is an 85% now on a 100 point scale

If 20+30=50 what is 50+20+30?

100 is final answer

If you have 72 percent in a class how much do you have to get on the exam if it's worth 30 percent?

To get a final grade of 72, you need a 72 on the exam. For a final grade of 75, you need an 72 on the exam. For a final grade of 80, you need a 99 on the exam. If you get 100 on the exam, your final grade will be a little over 80.

If you have a 55 going into and exam worth 20 percent and you get 50 percent what will your final mark be?

80 percent (4 parts out of 5) of your final grade consists of the 55. 20 percent (1 part out of 5) of your final grade consists of the 50. The final grade is (1/5 of) (55 + 55 + 55 + 55 + 50) = (1/5 of) (270) = 54 percent

If the final is 15 percent of grade and have an average of 100 what score do you need to get at least 90 in the class?

You do not even need to get a 30% on the final. If you have a 100% in the class and get a 0% on the final, you willl still have an 85% in the class.

How can you find the grade average from 4 wrong out of 20?

First, you convert them to 100. 4/20=16/100 The subtract 16 out of 100. 100-16=84

How do you calculate if you will pass a class when the final is worth 20 percent of my grade?

(.8*Current Grade)+(.2*Exam Score)

How do you find your final grade?

In most grading systems, your final grade is the average of your semester/marking period grades. Your mid-term and final exams might be separate and worth a percentage of your final grade. For example, in a high school divided into four marking periods, each marking period might be worth 20% of your final grade, and the mid-term/final exam might be worth 10% each of your final grade. Bottom line is that it depends on your individual school or college course. Each one may have a slightly different way of calculating your final grade, and you should contact them for specifics.

How do i average my grade when my grade is an 82 and my final was a 73 and the final is worth 25 what is my final grade?

If final is 25% of grade and your average was 82 before final that part is 75%. So we have (.75(82) + .25 (73)) = 80

What if your grade in english class is a 86 you have not turned in your essay yet your essay is worth 100 points of your grade if you get a 70 on your essay what will be your final grade?

86 + 70 = 156 156 / 2 = 78