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Q: If 6.000 g of sugar is mixed with 9.000 g of water what is the concentration in weight percent and nbsp?
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Simple syrup is a water and sugar mixture. A USP syrup has an 85 percent w/v concentration. An IP syrup usually contains far less sugar.

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Tomatoes will loss weight in due time when sugar concentration is high enough to exceed the osmotic value of solutes in tomato.

In which direction would osmosis occur if 15 percent sugar solution is separated from a 25 percent sugar solution?

Osmosis would occur from the 15 percent sugar solution to the 25 percent sugar solution since the concentration of water is higher in the 15 percent solution. Water molecules will move across the semipermeable membrane to equalize the concentration of sugar on both sides.

How much sugar is there in 100mL of a10 percent aqueous sugar solution and what is the solvent in the solution?

percent concentration = (mass of solute/volume of solution) X 100 To solve for mass of solute, mass of solute = (percent concentration X volume of solution)/100 So, mass of solute = (10% X 100mL)/100 = 10g

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25 percent by mass

What is sugar concentration?

its sugar.

Why was it necessary to inoculate a plate containing zero percent NaCl and zero percent sucrose?

Inoculating a plate containing zero percent NaCl and zero percent sucrose simulates the growth conditions of certain microorganisms that do not require salt or sugar for growth. This can help in the selective identification of specific bacteria that thrive in low nutrient environments.

Which osmosis bag in your experiment Gaines the most weight?

The osmosis bag containing the solution with the highest concentration of sugar gained the most weight in the experiment. This is because water moved from the lower concentration solution inside the bag to the higher concentration solution outside the bag through osmosis, causing the bag to swell and gain weight.

What happens to concentration of sugar in maple sap as the sap is boiled?

The concentration of the sugar increases

What happens to the concentration of sugar in maple sap as the sap is boiled?

The concentration of the sugar increases

Which factor is the independent variable in this experiment?

Concentration of sugar in the water