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The question is ambiguous:

  • If each girl shakes one other person's hand once, then there are seven (7) handshakes.
  • If each girl shakes each other girl's hand once, then there are 7 x 6 x 0.5 = 21 handshakes (each girl x each other girl x cancelling out the doubles).

Another way to look at this one:

  • If each girl shakes each of the other girl's hand once, there would be 42 shakes (each girl shakes 6 hands, times 7 girls, an assupmtion is made that each girl is not shaking her own hands, you can't tell much from the question so assuming ensues)
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Q: If 7 girls shake hands only once how many handshakes does that make?
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What are some girl handshakes?

Well a lot of girls make up there own handshakes. Like you slap your hands together 2x and then grab each others hands pull them down and say BAM!

Shake hands to make a bet?

no you do not have to shake on a bet

How should you shake hands?

A lot can be told about a person's handshake such as a firm grip may tend to make the other person feel you are confident; no nonsense and can be trusted, yet a limp handshake can make the person appear weak and not reliable or honest about their feelings. At one time only men shook hands on a deal or when greeting each other, but now handshakes are extended to women.

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you do not need to shake hands to make a deal, it is a myth that people believe you need to do but the only reason people started doin it after a deal is made to show a sign of friendship

Must you shake hands in order to make a fair bet?

no it is only fair if you say i bet you

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The meaning of "You cannot shake hands with a clenched fist" is that you cannot hold anger when trying to compromise or make peace with the other people. A clenched fist is a sign of anger and shaking hands usually means to approach someone peacefully.

If you are nervous your hands shake how do you stop it?

Try and calm your self down. And try not to think of things that make you nervous

How does alcohol effect your hands?

Usually it is withdrawal from alcohol that causes the shakes. And how would u know this?Yes, especially when you drink every day then try to do something such as write a letter or hold something steady.No, it doesn't make your hands shake everyday its only when your really drunk. I know this because my friend's parents along time ago drink.Those who suffer from essential tremors (their hands tremble or shake) obtain temporary relief by drinking alcohol in moderation.

How should you dribble a basketball?

with both hands, make fake moves, and then shake hands (fair play) and go home (in one piece without shooting each other). forgive me.

Can American men shake hands with Muslim women?

It is best to let a Mulim make the first move. They are different sects within Islam, so in order to give no offense to any, just let any Muslim make the overtures in greeting, and just follow along.

Prove that total number of people who lived on earth and made odd number of handshakes is always even?

If you multiply anything by 2 it always comes out even. So if people make 35 handshakes, we multiply it by 2 and we get 70 people. This will work with any different number of handshakes, odd or even.