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how often would a 12 year cicada face its predator with a 2 year cycle?

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Q: If Cicadas have predators with 2 year hibernation cycles how often would 12 year cicadas face their predators?
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Why do cicadas wait a prime number of years before coming out?

Cicadas likely evolved to have prime-numbered life cycles as a strategy to avoid synchronization with other insect species or predators. By having longer life cycles that are not easily divisible by other common periods, cicadas can reduce competition and increase their chances of survival and reproduction. This unique adaptation may have provided an evolutionary advantage, leading to the prevalence of prime-numbered life cycles among cicadas.

How did the cicadas decide that they would wait a prime number of year before emerging?

To think of cicadas as "deciding" something is anthropomorphizing; that is, using words that describe human attributions with things that don't really think as humans do. What probably happened is that those cicadas which happened to have a prime number cycle tended to avoid having predators match their periodic appearances and so increased relative to those that didn't, and as a consequence, got eaten. This is Natural Selection. Incidently, only Periodic cicadas have prime number cycles (17 or 13 years); there are also Annual cicadas which as their name implies, appear every year.

Does the length of the pendulum affect the number of cycles?

no. it affects the period of the cycles.

How do you find out how many waves are produced in 5 minutes with a frequency of 2 Hz?

Hz = cycles/second. Therefore, at 2Hz, you're generating two complete cycles (or what I believe you refer to as waves) every second. So 2 cycles x 60 seconds = 120 cycles per minute. 120 cycles x 5 minutes = 600 cycles.

A unit in frequency measured in cycles per second?

That's the unit of frequency ... "cycles per second", or simply "cycles".It has now been officially renamed the "Hertz".

Related questions

Why do cicadas come out during prime number years?

Suppose the cicadas come out every C years and a predator comes out every P years. Then the life cycles of the predator and the cicadas will coincide every LCM(C, P) years. The predator will want it to happen as often as possible while the cicadas want that to happen as seldom as possible. If C is co-prime with P then the cycles coincide after CP years - which is best for the cicada.Suppose the cicadas come out every C years and a predator comes out every P years. Then the life cycles of the predator and the cicadas will coincide every LCM(C, P) years. The predator will want it to happen as often as possible while the cicadas want that to happen as seldom as possible. If C is co-prime with P then the cycles coincide after CP years - which is best for the cicada.Suppose the cicadas come out every C years and a predator comes out every P years. Then the life cycles of the predator and the cicadas will coincide every LCM(C, P) years. The predator will want it to happen as often as possible while the cicadas want that to happen as seldom as possible. If C is co-prime with P then the cycles coincide after CP years - which is best for the cicada.Suppose the cicadas come out every C years and a predator comes out every P years. Then the life cycles of the predator and the cicadas will coincide every LCM(C, P) years. The predator will want it to happen as often as possible while the cicadas want that to happen as seldom as possible. If C is co-prime with P then the cycles coincide after CP years - which is best for the cicada.

Why do cicadas wait a prime number of years before coming out?

Cicadas likely evolved to have prime-numbered life cycles as a strategy to avoid synchronization with other insect species or predators. By having longer life cycles that are not easily divisible by other common periods, cicadas can reduce competition and increase their chances of survival and reproduction. This unique adaptation may have provided an evolutionary advantage, leading to the prevalence of prime-numbered life cycles among cicadas.

How did the cicadas decide that they would wait a prime number of year before emerging?

To think of cicadas as "deciding" something is anthropomorphizing; that is, using words that describe human attributions with things that don't really think as humans do. What probably happened is that those cicadas which happened to have a prime number cycle tended to avoid having predators match their periodic appearances and so increased relative to those that didn't, and as a consequence, got eaten. This is Natural Selection. Incidently, only Periodic cicadas have prime number cycles (17 or 13 years); there are also Annual cicadas which as their name implies, appear every year.

The 13-year and 17-year cicadas are isolated by what?

The 13-year and 17-year cicadas are isolated by their different life cycles and emergence patterns. This isolation prevents them from interbreeding and eventually leads to separate populations with distinct emergence times.

What are 3 characteristics of a sustainable ecosystem?

Nutrient Cycles, Predators and Prey, and Living Soil

What are the long term effects of prey cycles?

The prey become extinct because they are always eaten by their predators.

Does a beetle go through complete metamorphosis or imcomplete metamorphosis?

It goes through complete metamorphosis.

What has caused the disappearance of bumble bees from the central eastcoast of USA in 2010 and have bumble bee populations also decreased in other areas of USA this year?

Excess use of herbicides, primarily, as well as what climate change has had on the growth cycles of flowers in relation to when the bees come out of hibernation.

What if winter disappears?

If winter were to disappear, it would have significant impacts on ecosystems, agriculture, and weather patterns. Animal hibernation, plant growth cycles, and snow-dependent industries would be affected. Climate change could also be exacerbated, leading to further environmental challenges.

What is a biological Rhythm?

A biological rhythm refers to the cyclical patterns or regular oscillations in biological processes, such as sleep-wake cycles, body temperature fluctuations, and hormone release, that occur in living organisms. These rhythms are influenced by internal biological clocks, external cues like light/dark cycles (circadian rhythms), and periodicity in daily, monthly, or seasonal cycles.

What can influence the climate of a continent?

Sun Cycles Ocean Cycles Cosmic Cycles

What is the frequency of 3cycles in 12 seconds?

3 cycles / 12 seconds = 0.25 cycles / second, or 0.25 Hz.3 cycles / 12 seconds = 0.25 cycles / second, or 0.25 Hz.3 cycles / 12 seconds = 0.25 cycles / second, or 0.25 Hz.3 cycles / 12 seconds = 0.25 cycles / second, or 0.25 Hz.