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Q: If Emily jogs 3 laps to warm up at 5 mph then runs three more at 7 mph what is true about her average speed and average velocity?
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Emily jogs three laps around the track to warm up she jogs at 5 mph then she runs three more laps at 7 miles per what is true about her average speed and her average velocity?


Is it speed acceleration velocity when a softball is hit into the outfield?

In that case, you have all three - speed, acceleration, velocity.

What is the skydiver's average velocity for the first 3 seconds?

14.715 m/s. This is worked out by knowing that gravity will accelerate a body at 9.81 (m/s)/s. The average velocity is the speed at 3s plus the speed at 0s divided by 2. Speed at 0s = 0 x 9.81 = 0 m/s Speed at 3s = 3 x 9.81 = 29.43 m/s (29.43 + 0) / 2 = 14.715 m/s.

When an object's speed change does its velocity change?

Yes, when an object's speed changes, its velocity also changes. Velocity is a vector quantity that includes both speed and direction, so any change in speed or direction will result in a change in velocity.

What are the three measure related to the study of motion?

distance, speed, and time

How many types of velocity?

Velocity can either increase or decrease. It can do so at either an increasing or decreasing rate (positive or negative acceleration)

What are three ways that an object can be changed by forces?

by direction, speed and velocity i believe

Why it is facts about speed and velocity?

Speed is a scalar quantity that measures how fast an object is moving without specifying its direction, while velocity is a vector quantity that measures both the speed at which an object is moving and its direction. Speed can be positive or zero, while velocity can be positive, negative, or zero. Both speed and velocity are measured in units of distance traveled per unit of time, such as meters per second.

What is the average speed of electricity?

The average speed of electricity flowing through a wire is approximately two-thirds the speed of light, which is about 186,000 miles per second. However, it's important to note that electricity does not move at a constant speed but rather at different velocities depending on the material it is moving through.

Distance between speed and velocity?

Usually, speed just tells you how fast something is moving on average (total distance traveled divided by length of time), but the velocity also includes which direction it is traveling (usually by including the two or three dimensional position it was in when you start the measurement and end it) so we call it a vector.

Can a particle in one dimensional with zero speed may have non zero velocity?

No, a particle in one dimension with zero speed will have zero velocity. Velocity is a vector quantity that includes both the speed and direction of motion, so if the speed is zero, the velocity will also be zero since there is no direction of motion.

What three things do you need to now to describe the velocity of an object?

To describe the velocity of an object, you need to know its speed (magnitude of velocity), direction of motion, and reference point for measuring the motion.