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25% of the number would be 5 times as large as 5%

So, 5 times as large as 16 is 80.

Answer = 80.

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Q: If Five per cent of a number is sixteen what is twentyfive per cent of the number?
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What do you call a five cent coin?

A five cent coin is generally called a nickel.

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An echidna is on the five cent coin.

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Echidna is the five cent coin in Australia

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Nothing. There is no such thing as an Italian five cent coin.

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Australian five-cent coin was created in 1966.

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To round to the nearest cent you would have to follow normal rounding rule. If a number is five or above you round up. If a number is 4 or below you round down.So:91.823991.82491.82

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A five cent coin from 2005 is worth five cents.

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That number translated into English is 234, 541. Or, Two hundred and thirty four thousand five hundred and forty one.

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"cent" is French for the number 100.

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