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Q: If I didn't do my job well I wouldn't feel good about myself?
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because if you didnt you wouldnt smell good.

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I would feel good about myself but if i was remembered for something bad like how Hitler is remembered then i would not feel good.

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they didnt agee that its was a good thing and abloished it in the norte

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Umm........Well what i do is that i sing or play around to make myself fell really good about myself I practice TM, I find it really takes me to my real self which is full & happy.

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Brooke convince him that he was good enough and that she wouldnt be the clothes designer for the movie if he didnt direct the movie. Julian than went to his father himself and dont him with confidence how he can direct the movie

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Well, if you lived on a "good" farm, you wouldnt want your crops to be hailed on. Or you wouldnt want a cayote to eat your cattle for la cena.

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being bulimic is the worst feeling in the world! i always feel tired, nauseous, light headed, i never feel good. instead of feeling good about myself i feel worst because it messed up my teeth so bad i am embarrassed to smile.

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I personally wouldnt think so. I think it would be very annoying but some people like it.

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it differs for certain people. if you have a high tollerance to pain it wont hurt a bit. if you have a low tollerance it will feel like one of those small pinches. when i got mine done i didnt even feel it. some of my friends say its only the clamp that hurts but i didnt feel that either. good luck

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I wouldnt say Queen is hot but she does look good :}

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i just took half a 5mg. Valium last night about an hour or so before bed- in about twenty minutes i could feel myself calming down, ( i have sleep problems) - it was very calming, made me not think about mounds of things when i would lay down for the night. it didnt make me totally sleepy- i could function on it in the day time and prolly be in a very good mood! it doesnt really do much to you, just makes you feel very relaxed.