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Q: If I increase one variable what will happen to the other variable?
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When one variable increases the other does what?

The other can increase, decrease or stay the same. It depends on the relationship between the two variables.

What is a negative correlation?

A negative correlation is a measure of the linear component of a relationship where one variable increase as the other decrease.

What is the meaning of inverse and direct relationship?

An inversely proportional relationship shows that as one variable of an equation increases, the other will decrease. A directly proportional relationship shows that as one variable increases, the other increases as well.

Law of variable proportion and law of returns to scale?

Under Law of variable proportion: only one variable input varies all other variable kept constant. Under Law of Return to Scale: All the variable inputs varies except the enterprise. Law of variable proportion is for short period; law of return to scale is for long period. Law of variable proportion shows the relationship if one variable input increase (eg: Labour) by keeping all other variable constant; total product and marginal product increase upto a certain point after that it will increase at a diminishing rate. it shows in three stage first increase then constant and then decrease. Law of return to scale shows the relationship between inputs and output at three different stages: 1. output increase more than inputs, 2. output and input are constant, 3. output is less than proportionate input.

What does it mean when two variables have a positive correlation?

A positive correlation between two variables means that there is a direct correlation between the variables. As one variable increases, the other variable will also increase.

How does the law of variable proportion affect the cost curve?

The law of variable proportion states that as one input is increased while keeping other inputs constant, the output will eventually decrease. This can lead to changes in the cost curve by affecting the cost of production as more or less of a variable input is used, impacting both marginal and average cost.

What are the two other variable that affect photosynthesis?

Two other variables that affect photosynthesis are temperature and carbon dioxide levels. Photosynthesis rates increase with higher temperatures up to a certain point, beyond which they decrease. Carbon dioxide levels also influence photosynthesis, as higher concentrations can boost the rate of photosynthesis up to a certain level.

What is it called when one variable increases the other variable shows no relationship?

No correlation.

What does a correlation of-0.9 mean?

As one variable increases the other variable decreases.

What does a correlation of a -0.9 mean?

As one variable increases the other variable decreases.

What does correlation of -0.9 mean?

As one variable increases the other variable decreases.