Calculated from 2012 the year of birth is 1966.
2009-1962=47But they can be 46 if their birthday is later in the year.
Current Year-Birth Year = Age2010-1964 = 46 years old
The date is currently 11th July 2011. So if you were born on or before the 11th July then your birth year was 1965, else it was 1964.
As today is 1st January 2010 and you are 46 years old you were born in the year 1963.
If someone is 46 years old, they were born in 1976.
1968 or 1969, depending on the date they were born.
Calculated from 2012 the year of birth is 1966.
2009-1962=47But they can be 46 if their birthday is later in the year.
Current Year-Birth Year = Age2010-1964 = 46 years old
The date is currently 11th July 2011. So if you were born on or before the 11th July then your birth year was 1965, else it was 1964.
As I type, the year is 2012. It has been 46 years since the year 1966.
Someone who is 45 in 2010 was born in either 1965 or 1964 (and will be turning 46 later in the year.)
There is 46 states represented in March Madness this year.