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Q: If Three vectors are co-planner then there product is?
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What are the operation on vector?

That really depends on the type of vectors. Operations on regular vectors in three-dimensional space include addition, subtraction, scalar product, dot product, cross product.

Cross product is?

Cross product is a mathematics term when there is a binary operation on two vectors in three-dimensional space.

What is the algebraic definition of a cross product?

Cross product also known as vector product can best be described as a binary operation on two vectors in a three-dimensional space. The created vector is perpendicular to both of the multiplied vectors.

If the three vectors a b and c are coplanar then the missed product a x b c is?


What do you mean by coplanner system of intersecting forces?

These are forces which act in the same plane (coplanar, not coplanner!) and that their lines of action all meet at a single point.

Which are the three vectors that act along the mutually perpendicular direction?

The three vectors that act along mutually perpendicular directions are the unit vectors in the x, y, and z directions, namely, i, j, and k. These vectors form the basis for three-dimensional space and are commonly used in physics and mathematics.

How do you multiply vectors in 3D?

To multiply two vectors in 3D, you can use the dot product or the cross product. The dot product results in a scalar quantity, while the cross product produces a new vector that is perpendicular to the original two vectors.

What is the three vectors arrangement if their resultant is zero?

A triangle of vectors, in which the sides are the three vectors arranged head-tail.

Is it possible to combine two vectors of different magnitude to give a zero resultant if not can three vectors be combine?

Two vectors: no. Three vectors: yes.

Why CosӨ is used in dot product?

The cosine of the angle between two vectors is used in the dot product because it measures the similarity or alignment of the vectors. The dot product calculates the product of the magnitudes of the vectors and the cosine of the angle between them, resulting in a scalar value that represents the degree of alignment or correlation between the vectors.

How do you show that that the three vectors are coplanar?

Three vectors are coplanar if they sum to zero. V1 + V2 + V3 = o means the three vectors are coplanar.

When are vectors said to be perpendicular?

Perpendicular means that the angle between the two vectors is 90 degrees - a right angle. If you have the vectors as components, just take the dot product - if the dot product is zero, that means either that the vectors are perpendicular, or that one of the vectors has a magnitude of zero.