These are forces which act in the same plane (coplanar, not coplanner!) and that their lines of action all meet at a single point.
The answer depends on whether you mean A intersecting (B union C) or (A intersecting B) union C.
If it is on a graph, intersecting means two or more lines go through the same point.
"cutting across"
This means that the angle of intersection is not 90o.
It's when two lines cross eachother
The answer depends on whether you mean A intersecting (B union C) or (A intersecting B) union C.
If it is on a graph, intersecting means two or more lines go through the same point.
"cutting across"
Often the pilot might say aircraft intersecting basically it means plane landing. So when the pilot says intersecting it tells the crew to be in possessions for landing.
It means they cross each other.
This means that the angle of intersection is not 90o.
It's when two lines cross eachother
Parallel to each other: lying in the same plane, but not intersecting.
They could be: parallel lines, perpendicular lines or intersecting lines
Intersecting lines are those that lie in the same plane and cross each other at some point. Unless they are parallel, lines in the same plane always cross.
Active forces are physical forces that create motion or an acceleration in a system, such as pushing or pulling. Reactive forces are the equal and opposite forces that result from the interaction of active forces, as described by Newton's third law of motion. Together, active and reactive forces explain the dynamics of objects in motion.
no. its impossible. Parallel mean lines that never touch. unless you have more than two lines. than you can make two parallel and or more intersecting them both.