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Q: If a 0.01 level of significance were used in a two-tailed hypothesis test what would be your decision rule for rejecting if 12.5?
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Is the null hypothesis considered correct until proven otherwise?

No. The null hypothesis is not considered correct. It is an assumption, and hypothesis testing is a consistent meand of determining whether the data is sufficiently strong to say that it may be untrue. The data either supports the alternative hypothesis or it fails to reject it. See examples in links. Also note this quote from Wikipedia: "Statistical hypothesis testing is used to make a decision about whether the data contradicts the null hypothesis: this is called significance testing. A null hypothesis is never proven by such methods, as the absence of evidence against the null hypothesis does not establish it."

How many types of errors in taking a decision about Ho?

There are two types of errors associated with hypothesis testing. Type I error occurs when the null hypothesis is rejected when it is true. Type II error occurs when the null hypothesis is not rejected when it is false. H0 is referred to as the null hypothesis and Ha (or H1) is referred to as the alternative hypothesis.

How many standard deviations above or below the mean should a score be to establish significance?

It depends on the significance level required. And that, in turn, will depend on the cost of making the wrong decision. For ordinary use, a 95% significance level will require 1.96 sd

What are difference between a hypothesis and hypothesis statement?

The term hypothesis is used in science and statistics. I have included two links related to the these terms.In statistics, the null and alternative hypothesis are mathematical statements used in statistical decision making. An example of a null hypothesis is the mean of the population from which a sample was obtained is equal to 10. The mean of the data is sufficiently different from 10 can be used to reject the null hypothesis.As used in science, hypothesis is the initial idea suggested by observation or preliminary experimentation. See related links.

What is the conclusion if the test statistic is the same as the critical value?

Any decision based on the test statistic is marginal in such a case. It is important to remember that the test statistic is derived on the basis of the null hypothesis and does not make use of the distribution under the alternative hypothesis.

Related questions

Is the null hypothesis considered correct until proven otherwise?

No. The null hypothesis is not considered correct. It is an assumption, and hypothesis testing is a consistent meand of determining whether the data is sufficiently strong to say that it may be untrue. The data either supports the alternative hypothesis or it fails to reject it. See examples in links. Also note this quote from Wikipedia: "Statistical hypothesis testing is used to make a decision about whether the data contradicts the null hypothesis: this is called significance testing. A null hypothesis is never proven by such methods, as the absence of evidence against the null hypothesis does not establish it."

What is decision making in environmental science?

makind a hypothesis

What are inferential statistics?

Statistical inference is about testing hypotheses. In order to test a hypothesis, you make a prediction about the observations, contrasting the prediction with what might happen if the hypothesis were not true. The prediction is tested against the observations by calculating a test statistic or inferential statistic. This is a value which is based purely on the observations. If the test statistic is too far from the predicted value then the hypothesis should be rejected in favour of the alternative hypothesis.What constitutes "too far" depends on the presumed distribution of the variable being tested, as well as the degree of certainty required from the test - the power of the test. The latter is a balance between probability of rejecting the hypothesis when it is true and that of not rejecting it when it is false. These outcomes may be weighted according to the risk or costs that a false decision carries.

If the decision in the hypothesis test of the population correlation coefficient is to reject the null hypothesis. What can you conclude about the correlation in the population?

is notzero

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significance of managerial economics is decesion making

What is the liberation hypothesis?

The liberation hypothesis suggests that individuals who are oppressed or marginalized in society are more likely to engage in risky behaviors as a way to assert control over their own lives and choices. This theory posits that these risky behaviors can be seen as acts of resistance against societal norms and restrictions.

What is the significance of the Supreme Courts decision in Williams v North Carolina?

Significance: state sovereignty

What is the significance of the supreme courts decision in Williams v. North Carolina?

Significance: state sovereignty

What is the significance of the supreme courts decision in William v. North Carolina?

Significance: state sovereignty

What is significance of the supreme courts decision in Williams v North Carolina?

Significance: state sovereignty

What is the significance of the supreme courts decision in the Williams v. North Carolina?

Significance: state sovereignty

When you make a what you make a decision to believe something about something as true?
