13.77 will be the discounted price if the standard price is 16.50.
What is the sale price of an item that costs $75.00 and is discounted 30%?
The item will cost 170.00
It is 85% of 49 = 49*85/100 = 41.65
It depends on how much the cost of the 86 items are.
find the selling price of an item listed at $400 subject to a discounted series 25 percent 10 percent and 5 percent
What is the sale price of an item that costs $75.00 and is discounted 30%?
The item will cost 170.00
Multiply the cost by 0.75 and that is the sale cost of the item.
The original price was 771.43
It is 85% of 49 = 49*85/100 = 41.65
0.30 * $57.95 = $57.95 - $17.385 = $40.57