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Q: If a ball is dropped from a height of 128 meters how high did the ball reach after the 7th bounce?
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Which will hit the ground first a ball thrown horizontally at 2 meters per second off a building 20 m high or a ball dropped by a hand at the same height?

They should reach the ground together, since their initial vertical speed is the same, namely zero.

If you drop a 15 kg iron bar and a 5 kg bag of cotton from a height of 50 meters which will reach the ground first?

iron bar first

How high does the bounciest ball bounce?

The bounciest balls are the so-called bouncy balls, made of compressed synthetic rubber. These balls have an unusually high coefficient of restitution (inverse momentum) that allows them to return to up to 92% of a dropped height, and to utilize thrown force to reach extraordinary heights. Another generic name for the balls is "super balls," originally a trademark name for a 1964 invention first sold by the Wham-O toy company in 1966.

How is it that A ball is projected straight up from the ground with a speed of 7.61 meters per second To what maximum height will the ball go when gravity equals 9.80 meters per second squared?

Initial upward speed = 7.61 m/sFinal upward speed (at the point of maximum height) = 0Time to reach maximum height = (7.61) / (9.8) = 0.77653 secondAverage speed during that time = 1/2 ( 7.61 + 0) = 3.805 m/sHeight = 3.805 x 0.77653 = 2.9547 meters (rounded) = about 9.7 feetDoesn't seem like much of a height for a strong toss; but the math looks OK.

What height setting of the first hill will cause the 35 g car to reach the egg in 1.88 s?

A 60-cm height setting will cause the 35 g car to reach the egg in 1.88 s.

Related questions

A ball is dropped from a height of 128 meters Each time the all bounces to half of its previous height After one bounce the ball readches a height of 64 meters How high did the ball reach after the 7?

After the 7th bounce, the ball will reach a height of 1 meter. This is because after each bounce, the ball reaches half of its previous height. So, after 1 bounce it reaches 64 meters, after 2 bounces it reaches 32 meters, after 3 bounces it reaches 16 meters, and so on, until it reaches 1 meter after the 7th bounce.

A ball is dropped from 10 feet above the ground.It hits the ground and bounces up half as high as it fellThis is true for each successive bounce.What height does the ball reach on the fourth bounce?

After each bounce, the ball reaches half of the height from which it was dropped. Since the ball was initially dropped from 10 feet, on the first bounce it will reach 5 feet, on the second bounce it will reach 2.5 feet, on the third bounce it will reach 1.25 feet, and on the fourth bounce it will reach 0.625 feet.

When You Drop An Object From A Certain Height It Takes Time T To Reach The Ground With No Air Resistance. If You Dropped It From Three Times That Height How Long Would It Take To Reach The Ground?

When an object is dropped from a certain height, the time it takes to reach the ground is independent of the height (assuming no air resistance). Therefore, whether you drop the object from three times the initial height or the original height, it will still take the same time (T) to reach the ground.

How high will a basketball bounce if dropped?

If we knew from what height the ball, when dropped, would reach its terminal velocity, and if we knew the percentage of rebound the ball would give, we could then be certain. I can only guess that a basketball will rebound approximately 75% of the height from which it is dropped, and if the height at which it would reach terminal velocity is maybe 300 feet, the ball would bounce back up to 225 feet. Just a guess! A basketball has an elasticity (or "bounciness") of about 56 percent.I'm not sure there's a theoretical limit. In practice, of course, there would be one: when the velocity of the ball impacting the ground is so great the ball explodes rather than bouncing. But you'd have to fire it out of some kind of basketball cannon to get it moving that fast.The official standard for ball inflation is that the ball should bounce roughly 75% of its drop height (specifically, between 49" and 54") when dropped from 6 feet. If you're referring to just the height a dropped ball could bounce and you're not throwing it down with some kind of basketball-downward-hurling machine, you could calculate the theoretical bounce height by figuring out what terminal velocity is for a basketball, calculating how high you'd have to drop it from (assuming no atmosphere) to achieve that velocity, and then multiplying by 0.75. I'm not going to do it for you, because I'm not actually all that interested in the answer, but that's how you could do it if you are.

What is the average height of a sycamore tree?

Most sycamore tree's reach 30-40 meters.

A ball of mass 0.150kg is dropped from rest from a height of 1.25m. it rebounds from the floor to reach a height of 0.960m what impulse was given to the ball by the floor?

1.39 Ns up

a penny dropped from the top of the empire state building takes 9.2 seconds to reach the street what is the height of the building?

The height of the building at the 102nd floor is 381 metres. The penny is irrelevant.

A penny dropped from the top of the Empire State Building takes 9.2 seconds to reach the street What is the height of the building?

The height of the building at the 102nd floor is 381 metres. The penny is irrelevant.

Why will a 10 pound weight take just as long to hit the ground as a 5 pound weight dropped at the same time form the same height?

Both weights will fall at the same rate due to gravity. The acceleration due to gravity is constant regardless of the mass of the object, so both weights will reach the ground at the same time when dropped from the same height.

Does the mass of the ball affect how high it bounces?

a ball can never bounce over the height from which it was bounced unless u aplly a force. The factors that affect the bounce of a dropped ball include the height from which it is dropped; the force applied to it, if any, when dropped; the acceleration of gravity, which is different depending upon what planet you're one; the elasticity of the ball; the density of the atmosphere, which affects "air resistance"; and the rigidity and elasticity of the surface on which the ball bounces. weight also affect the bounce height.

Which will hit the ground first a ball thrown horizontally at 2 meters per second off a building 20 m high or a ball dropped by a hand at the same height?

They should reach the ground together, since their initial vertical speed is the same, namely zero.

What is the average height of a Glacier?

The average height of a glacier can vary greatly depending on factors such as location, climate, and size. However, most glaciers range in height from a few meters to several hundred meters. Some of the largest glaciers, like those in Antarctica and Greenland, can reach heights of over 3,000 meters.