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If the radius is 42 meters, then you already know the radius.

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Q: If a circle has a radius of 42 meters what expression can be used to find the radius?
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Area of a circle in square meters = pi times radius squared

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Circumference of circle: 2*pi*12 = 24*pi meters

How do you calculate m2 of a circle?

The surface area of a circle is calculated as Area = pi x radius2. If the radius is in meters, the area will be in square meters.The surface area of a circle is calculated as Area = pi x radius2. If the radius is in meters, the area will be in square meters.The surface area of a circle is calculated as Area = pi x radius2. If the radius is in meters, the area will be in square meters.The surface area of a circle is calculated as Area = pi x radius2. If the radius is in meters, the area will be in square meters.

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It is: diameter/2 = 6 cm

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The area of a circle is pi multiplied by radius squared. Thus, if the radius is 2.35m, the area is 17.3 square meters.

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If A = 37 m2 then r = 3.43 m

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