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The radius is 7 meters.

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Q: The area of a circle is 154 square meters Find the radius?
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How do you find the square meters of area for a circle?

Area of a circle in square meters = pi times radius squared

Find the area of a circle if the radius is 24 meters?

A=Pi(r)2 - A circle with a radius of 24 meters has an area of 1809.56 square meters.

How do you calculate m2 of a circle?

The surface area of a circle is calculated as Area = pi x radius2. If the radius is in meters, the area will be in square meters.The surface area of a circle is calculated as Area = pi x radius2. If the radius is in meters, the area will be in square meters.The surface area of a circle is calculated as Area = pi x radius2. If the radius is in meters, the area will be in square meters.The surface area of a circle is calculated as Area = pi x radius2. If the radius is in meters, the area will be in square meters.

How do you find the radius of an inscribed circle of a square given the area of the square?

Half the square root of the square radius equals the circle radius.

The area of a circle is 37 square meters find the radius?

If A = 37 m2 then r = 3.43 m

Find the area 2.35m?

The area of a circle is pi multiplied by radius squared. Thus, if the radius is 2.35m, the area is 17.3 square meters.

If a circle has a radius of 42 meters what expression can be used to find the radius?

If the radius is 42 meters, then you already know the radius.

How do you find the radius of a circle with an area of 100 pie meters?

Use the equation: Area of Circle = pi * r^2 so... 100 pi = pi * r^2 The pi's cancel out. 100 = r^2 Square both sides to find the radius. square root(100) = r, the radius of the circle

How do you find the radius of a circle inside a square?

The same as half the side of the square, as the radius of the circle is half its diameter, and the diameter of the circle is equal to the side of the square.

Find the circumference of a circle if the area is 400 Pi meters?

First we have to find the radius: pi*radius2 = 400*pi square meters Divide both sides by pi and then square root both sides: radius = 20 meters 2*pi*radius or pi*diameter = circumference 2*pi*20 = 40*pi meters

What is the circumference of a circle with a diameter of 12 m?

The circumference of a circle is 15\piπ m. Find its radius, in meters. The Answer Should Be 7.5

How do you find the radius of an inscribed circle of a square given the area of the circle?

If yo have the area of the circle, the square is irrelevant. Radius = sqrt(Area/pi)