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12√3 units ≈ 20.78 units.

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Q: If a cube has side length 12 what is the distance from corner to opposite corner?
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How do you calculate the distance between two opposite sides in a cube?

There are four edges that join this side to the opposite side.They are all equal length. That could give us a clue.The distance between two opposite sides is just the length of any edge of the cube.

If the volume of a cube is 8 Why is the shortest distance from the center of the cube to the base of the cube 1?

The volume of a cube is the length of one of its sides (since all sides have equal length, for a cube) cubed. To find the side length from the volume, find the cubic root - in this case, it is easy as the cubic root of 8 is exactly 2. Now, because the centre of the cube is halfway between one side and its opposite, and one side being its base, the distance from the centre to that base will be half of its side length. For this cube, this is 2/2 which is 1.

In a unit cube what is the largest square you can have inside?

The largest square that you can fit in any cube will have each corner 1/4 of the way away from a corner of the cube and will have a side length of s*3√2/4 where s is the length of the sides of the cube. For a unit cube, the side length is 1 by definition, meaning that this largest square will have a side length of 3√2/4 and that its area will be 9/8 units squared.

How do you find the height of the sphere when you know the height of the cube?

if the cube is inside the sphere you needto do some trigonometry and algebra to find out the height or diameter of the sphere. I have never heard someone ask what the height of the sphere is... i didn't think it existed. im pretty sure you need to know the diameter of the sphere. since you didnt give me any numbers to work with this is going to be a confusing explanation. first, the length of the diameter of the sphere is the same length as the length of one corner of the cube to the opposite diagonal corner of the cube. second, you can find this length by applying pythagoreans theorem (a2+b2=c2). third, since you know the height of the cube you need to find the length of the diagonal of one surface of the cube. you can do this by cutting one ofthe surfaces ofthe cubes into a triangle and using the pyth. theorem and solve for the diagonal. remember this number. now take this number and use the pyth. theorem again with the height of the cube and then ythis is the diameter of the sphere.

What is the length of the side of the cube that has a volume of 512 in cube?

The length of the sides of the cube are 8 inches.

Related questions

What is the shortest distance from a corner of a 2 inched cube to the opposite corner of the same cube?

The shortest distance, through the body of the cube, is sqrt(22 + 22 + 22) = sqrt(12) = 3.46 inches.

How do you calculate the distance between two opposite sides in a cube?

There are four edges that join this side to the opposite side.They are all equal length. That could give us a clue.The distance between two opposite sides is just the length of any edge of the cube.

If the volume of a cube is 8 Why is the shortest distance from the center of the cube to the base of the cube 1?

The volume of a cube is the length of one of its sides (since all sides have equal length, for a cube) cubed. To find the side length from the volume, find the cubic root - in this case, it is easy as the cubic root of 8 is exactly 2. Now, because the centre of the cube is halfway between one side and its opposite, and one side being its base, the distance from the centre to that base will be half of its side length. For this cube, this is 2/2 which is 1.

In a unit cube what is the largest square you can have inside?

The largest square that you can fit in any cube will have each corner 1/4 of the way away from a corner of the cube and will have a side length of s*3√2/4 where s is the length of the sides of the cube. For a unit cube, the side length is 1 by definition, meaning that this largest square will have a side length of 3√2/4 and that its area will be 9/8 units squared.

What is the minimum distance between two tetrahedral voids in face centered cubic?

The distance between two tetrahedral voids is 0.866*edge length of the cube.As tetrahedral voids are present at 1/4th of the distance from each corner on a body diagonal of a cube.On each body diagonal there are two tetrahedral voids so making a total of 8 tetrahedral voids in an FCC cube. the distance between two tetrahedral voids is half of the body diagonal of a cube and the body diagonal of a cube is1.732 times of the edge length of the cube

What makes the cube and the rectangular prism different?

Cube all sides equal length,: rectangular prism opposite side equal

How do you find the height of the sphere when you know the height of the cube?

if the cube is inside the sphere you needto do some trigonometry and algebra to find out the height or diameter of the sphere. I have never heard someone ask what the height of the sphere is... i didn't think it existed. im pretty sure you need to know the diameter of the sphere. since you didnt give me any numbers to work with this is going to be a confusing explanation. first, the length of the diameter of the sphere is the same length as the length of one corner of the cube to the opposite diagonal corner of the cube. second, you can find this length by applying pythagoreans theorem (a2+b2=c2). third, since you know the height of the cube you need to find the length of the diagonal of one surface of the cube. you can do this by cutting one ofthe surfaces ofthe cubes into a triangle and using the pyth. theorem and solve for the diagonal. remember this number. now take this number and use the pyth. theorem again with the height of the cube and then ythis is the diameter of the sphere.

What is a length of a cube?

The characteristic length of a cube refers to the length of a side of a cube. Since the length of all the sides of a cube are the same, the characteristic length refers to all sides.

P isthe center of one face of a cube and Q isthe center ofthe opposite face Ifthe length of the shortest possible path from P to Q alongthe outer surface ofthe cube is 2radic2 centi what's vol of cube?

The shortest path from P to Q along the surface of the cube will be one that goes from P, to the center point on any edge, to the opposite side, and then to Q. The length of that will be L + L/2 + L/2, or 2L, where L is the length of any side of the cube. We are told that this distance is equal to 2√2, so we can say: 2L = 2√2 cm ∴ L = √2 cm The volume of the cube will be that length, cubed, or L3, which means we can say: V = L3 ∴ V = (√2 cm)3 ∴ V = (21/2)3 cm3 ∴ V = 23/2 cm3

What is characteristic length of a cube?

The characteristic length of a cube refers to the length of a side of a cube. Since the length of all the sides of a cube are the same, the characteristic length refers to all sides.

The volume of a cube is given by V s3 where s is the length of a side. Find the length of a side of a cube if the volume is 800 cm3. Round the answer to three decimal places.?

Your question is easy let me ask you what's the opposite formula of s3? of course no other than cube root! The cube root of 800cm3 = 9.283cm

How maney corner does a cube have?