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Q: If a data set has many outliers which measure of central tendency would be the BEST to use?
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Why is arithmetic mean considered as the best measure of central tendency?

The arithmatic mean is not a best measure for central tendency.. It is because any outliers in the dataset would affect its value thus it is considered not a robust measure.. The mode or median however would be better to measure central tendency since outliers wont affect it value.. Consider this example : Arithmatic mean dan mode from 1, 5, 5, 9 is 5.. If we add 30 to the dataset then the arithmatic mean will be 10 but the mode will still same.. Mode is more robust than arithmatic mean..

When would you choose median as the best measure of central tendency?

When a few outliers skew the distribution curve. 4 guys in a bar: # 1 earns $5000 #2 earns $6000 #3 earns $7000 #4 earns $100,000

How would the outlier 57 affect the measures of central tendency?

The outlier 57 affects the measure of central tendency by increasing the numbers and making the problems difficult.

What measure of central tendency would be most useful in describing the gender of a sample?

Since gender is a qualitative variable, the mode is the only one of the main measures of central tendency.

Which measure of cetral tendency would be appropriate to describe this data set?

None. The data set has no elements and so there cannot be any central tendency.

Would the mode be the best measure of central tendency for heights in class?

The variable, height, is a continuous variable. The mode is not a good measure of central tendency for continuous variables because you would need a very large number of observations (pupils) before you are likely to get a useful number of repeat values. The modal class may be a good measure. Provided you do not have extremely short or extremely tall pupils, the mean would probably be the best.

Which measures of central tendency should be used to calculate the cutoff time for the final race?

well...the measures of the central tendency would be 30 minutes

Which measure of central tendency would be most appropriate to use to describe the most common diagnosis among clients receiving treatment at an outpatient mental health clinic?


Which measure of central tendency would be most appropriate to use to describe the most common diagnosis among clients receiving treatment at an outpatient mental health clinc?


Is median better indicator of central tendency of skewed distribution?

Yes. Central tendency is the way data clusters around a value. Even if the distribution of the value is skewed, the median would be the best indicator of central tendency because of the way the data is clustered.

When would you use measures of central tendency?

When you are trying to summarise data.

If a distribution is badly skewed researchers are more likely than usual to prefer the as a measure of central tendency?

This would be the average. When the numbers are all over the place, it is difficult to use them to come to conclusions.