When a few outliers skew the distribution curve.
4 guys in a bar: # 1 earns $5000
#2 earns $6000
#3 earns $7000
#4 earns $100,000
It is a measure of the central tendency for a set of observations.
When the data are not numerical but can be ordered , the median may be used as a measure of central tendency. Put the data in order and choose the middle value. For example, low, medium,medium,low, high etc.
The median.
Median is your answer
Mean, Median, and Mode
It is a measure of the central tendency for a set of observations.
When the data are not numerical but can be ordered , the median may be used as a measure of central tendency. Put the data in order and choose the middle value. For example, low, medium,medium,low, high etc.
The popular two ones are the mean and median. Often mode is included in the list even though it is not a measure of central tendency.
The median.
The mean.
Median is your answer
they measure the same
The median.