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Yes. The definition of a force is a push or a pull. So, as long as the object moves, a force has indeed acted upon it.

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Q: If a force acts on an object but does not touch it the force is called force?
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If no force acts upon an object at rest what will the object do?

If no force acts upon an object at rest it will just stay there. Example: Lets say you put an appple on a flat table. The apple stays still when you don't touch it. If you touch the apple, it will move. If you don't touch the apple, it will just stay there.

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The product of a force acting on an object and the duration the force acts upon the object is called?

The product of a force acting on an object and the duration the force acts upon the object is called impulse. Impulse is a vector quantity that represents the change in momentum of an object. It can be calculated by multiplying the force applied by the time over which it acts.

When a force acts on an object without touching it the force is called?

When a force acts on an object without touching it, the force is called a non-contact force. Examples include gravitational, electrostatic, and magnetic forces.

What quantity combines the strength of a force with how long the force acts on the object?

The quantity that combines the strength of a force with how long it acts on an object is called impulse. Impulse is calculated by multiplying the force by the time over which it acts on an object. It represents the change in momentum of the object.

What is force exerted perpendicular to the surface of the object called?

The force exerted perpendicular to the surface of an object is called the normal force. It acts in the opposite direction to the force applied on the object and helps to support the weight of the object.

What is it when more than one force acts on an object?

When more than one force acts on an object, it is called a net force. The net force is the combination of all the individual forces acting on an object. It determines the object's resulting motion and acceleration.

What is the name of force that acts in water?

The force that acts in water is called buoyancy. Buoyancy is the upward force exerted by a fluid on an object immersed in it, which opposes the weight of the object and keeps it afloat.

Which type of force acts in the opposite direction of an object's motion?

The force that acts in the opposite direction of an object's motion is called friction. Friction opposes the movement of an object when it is in contact with another object or surface. It acts to slow down or stop the object's motion.

What is the pull of gravity on an object called?

The pull of gravity on an object is called weight. It is the force that acts on an object due to gravity pulling it towards the center of the Earth.

What is the force that acts against gravity?

The force that acts against gravity is called the normal force. It is exerted by a surface supporting an object, pushing upwards to prevent the object from falling due to gravity.

How an object changes direction when a force is applied to it is called what?

The change in direction of an object when a force is applied to it is called "acceleration." The acceleration of an object depends on the magnitude and direction of the force, as well as the mass of the object.