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Work = (Force) x (Distance the object moves) x (cosine of the angle between force and motion)

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Q: What formula can be used to calculate work if the force acts at an angle to the displacement?
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What is the mathematical formula for calculating work?

The mathematical formula for calculating work is: Work = Force × Distance × cos(θ) where: Work is the amount of energy transferred or expended; Force is the amount of applied force; Distance is the displacement of the object in the direction of the force; θ is the angle between the direction of the force and the direction of displacement.

If the formula to calculate work is distance divided by time how do you apply the formula?

You would have a very tough time, because that isn't the formula to calculate work. (distance) divided by (time) is the formula to calculate speed. The formula to calculate work is: (force) multiplied by (distance).

I understand distance divided by time is the formula to calculate work How can I show an example to apply the formula?

Work is not defined as distance/time, but rather: work= force x distance Distance divided by time will give you velocity. Displacement (or distance traveled) = velocity x time

Is work defined as force times parallel distance?

No. Work is transferred energy. When you do work, you are transferring energy. If the force is constant over time: Work = F*d*cos(theta) where F = force d = distance object travels over the time the force is applied theta = angle between force and the displacement of the object The only component of the force that can do work is the component of the force that is parallel to the displacement.

Explain what is the negative sign in hook's law mean?

It means that the force is in a direction opposite to the displacement of the spring.It means that the force is in a direction opposite to the displacement of the spring.It means that the force is in a direction opposite to the displacement of the spring.It means that the force is in a direction opposite to the displacement of the spring.

Related questions

How do you find the angle in the work done?

To find the angle in the work done, you can use the formula: work = force * distance * cos(angle). Rearrange the formula to solve for the angle: angle = cos^(-1)(work / (force * distance)). Substituting the values of work, force, and distance into the equation will give you the angle.

What is formula of a works?

it is the dot product of displacement and force . i.e. Fdcos(A) where F is the magnitude of force , d is the magnitude of displacement and A is the angle between them

What is the product of the force and the displacement?

The product of force and displacement is defined as work. It is a scalar quantity that measures the transfer of energy to an object when a force is applied to move it over a certain distance in the direction of the force. The formula to calculate work is W = F * d * cos(theta), where F is the force applied, d is the displacement, and theta is the angle between the force and the displacement.

Work is the product of and an object's displacement?

Work is the product of force and displacement, where force is the effort applied to move an object and displacement is the distance the object moves in the direction of the force. The formula for work is: Work = Force x Displacement x cos(theta), where theta is the angle between the force and displacement vectors.

The application of a force through a distance?

Work = Force * displacement if the displacement and the force are parallel - work is positive if force and displacement are in the same direction, negative if they have opposite direction. At an angle Work = Force * displacement * cos(θ) where θ is the angle between the force and displacement vectors.

What is the formula for solving work?

The formula for work is work = force x distance x cos(theta), where force is the applied force, distance is the displacement over which the force is applied, and theta is the angle between the force and the direction of motion.

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According to the Hooke's law formula, the force is proportional to what measurement

How do i calculate work?

Work can be calculated using the formula W = Fd*cos(θ), where W is work, F is the force applied, d is the displacement, and θ is the angle between the force and displacement vectors. Alternatively, work can also be calculated as the product of force and distance when the force applied is in the same direction as the displacement.

What are two factors do you need to know to calculate how much work has done in any situations?

The displacement produced by the body. The amount of force subjected to the body. The angle between the direction of force and displacement.

How is work done by a force measured when force is in direction of displacement?

Work done by a force when the force is in the direction of displacement is calculated as the product of the force and the displacement, multiplied by the cosine of the angle between them. Mathematically, work done (W) = force (F) × displacement (s) × cos(θ), where θ is the angle between the force vector and the displacement vector.

What is the equation of work with a time period?

The equation for work is work = force × displacement × cosθ, where θ is the angle between the force and displacement vectors. If you want to calculate work done over a specific time period, you would need to know the force exerted over that time period and the corresponding displacement.

How much work does Paul's force do during a displacement of the crate that is 12.0 m?

The work done by Paul's force is given by the formula Work = Force x Distance x cos(theta), where theta is the angle between the force and the direction of displacement. If the force is in the same direction as the displacement, then theta = 0 and the work done is simply Force x Distance. If the angle is not given, assuming theta = 0, the work done is the force times the distance.