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F = M A

20 = 10 M

M = 20/10 = 2 kilograms

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Q: If a force of 20 newtons causes a skateboard to accelerate at a rate of 10 meters per second per second what is the mass of the skateboard?
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How much force is needed to accelerate a 3 kg skateboard at 5 meters per seconds squared?

The force needed to accelerate a 3 kg skateboard at 5 m/sĀ² is 15 N. This is calculated using Newton's second law, F=ma, where F is the force, m is the mass (3 kg), and a is the acceleration (5 m/sĀ²).

What force is required to accelerate a 6.0 kg bowling ball at plus 2.0 meters per second squared?

F = M A = (6) x (2) = 12 newtons

Gravity causes all falling objects to accelerate at a rate of 98 meters per seconds?

The acceleration due to gravity is 9.8 meters per second squared, not 98. This means that an object in free fall will increase its speed by 9.8 m/s every second.

What is the acceleration of a person on a skateboard if the unbalanced force on the person is 15 newtons the total mass of the skateboard and the person is 58 kilograms?

F = M a a = F / M = (15) / (58) = 0.259 meters/sec2 (rounded) (about 2.6 percent of one 'G')

What is the Gravitational Strength on earth?

The strength of gravity on or near the Earth's surfaceis 9.81 Newtons (2.205 pounds) per kilogram of mass.That force causes any freely falling body to accelerate verticallyat the rate of 9.81 meters (32.2 feet) per second2 .

How much force is needed to accelerate a 1-kilogram toy car at a rate of 2 meters per second?

Force = Mass * Acceleration = 1 * 2 = 2 Newtons

What force needed to give 500 newtons this acceleration 3.00 plus 3 meters per second squared?

There is some confusion here. 500 newtons IS a force. You don't "give a force an acceleration". You can accelerate an object (which has a mass), but not a force.

Gravity causes all objects to accelerate toward and earth at a rate of?

9.8 meters per second squared.

How much net force does it take to accelerate a 300 kg car at 15 meters per second 2?

F = M a= (300) x (15)= 4,500 newtons

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Can you multiply newtons by meters?

No, the result of multiplying Newtons by meters is not a valid unit in physics. Newtons represent a unit of force, while meters represent a unit of distance. If you multiply Newtons by meters, you get Newton-meters, which represents a unit of work or energy, also known as a joule.

What force must be applied to a 25 kilogram object to make it accelerate at 8 meters per second per second?

F = m A = (25) x (8) = 200 newtons