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Not necessarily.

f(x) = -1-x2 is negative for any test value of x, it is asymptotically negative infinity, but it is NEVER zero.

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Q: If a function is negative at a test number it will reach zero before it reaches an asymptote?
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In a right angled triangle with sides Adjacent (the angle is between this side and the hypotenuse), Opposite (this side is the side opposite the angle) and Hypotenuse (the side opposite the right angle).The six commonly used trigonometric ratios are:sine = opposite / hypotenusecosine = adjacent / hypotenusetangent = opposite / adjacent = sine / cosinecotangent = 1/tangent = adjacent / opposite = cosine / sinesecant = 1/cosine = hypotenuse / adjacentcosecant = 1/sine = hypotenuse / oppositeThere are various mnemonics to remember the first three of these ratios. Two such mnemonics which use the initial letters are:1: A nonsense word:SOHCAHTOA (pronounced sock-a-toe-ah or soh-ka-toe-ah)S = O/HC = A/HT = O/A2: A little rhyme:Two Old ArabsSoft Of HeartCoshed Andy HatchettT = O/AS = O/HC = A/HThe trigonometric functions are periodic:Sine (sin):Starts at 0° with a value of 0. It increases until it reaches 1 at 90°; then it decreases, reaching 0 again at 180° and continues onto -1 at 270°. Then it increases again, reaching 0 at 360° where it starts to repeat. Cosine (cos):Starts at 0° with a value of 1. It decreases, reaching 0 at 90° and continues onto -1 at 180°. Then it increases, reaching 0 at 270° and continues onto 1 at 360° where it starts to repeat. Tangent (tan):Starts at 0° with a value of 1. It increases towards an asymptote at 90°; it continues increasing, but from the negative side until it reaches 0 at 180° where it starts to repeat. Cosecant (csc = 1/sin):Starts with an asymptote at 0° and decreases from the positive side until it reaches 1 at 90°; where it then increases towards another asymptote at 180°; then it continues increasing from the negative side until it reaches -1 at 270° before decreasing again towards the asymptote at 360° where it starts to repeat. Secant (sec = 1/cos):Starts at 1 and increases towards an asymptote at 90°; it then increases from the negative side until it reaches -1 at 180° before decreasing again towards another asymptote at 270°. The it decreases fro the positive side until it reaches 1 at 360° and starts to repeat. Cotangent (cot = 1/tan):Starts with an asymptote at 0° and decreases towards 0 at 90°; it then continues to decrease towards another asymptote at 180° where it starts to repeat. As a result of this periodic nature, they have specific signs in the different quadrants of the cartesian plane:Sine: positive: I, II; negative: III, IVCosine: positive: I, IV; negative: II, IIITangent: positive: I, III; negative: II, IVCosecant: positive: I, II; negative: III, IVSecant: positive: I, IV; negative: II, IIICotangent: positive: I, III; negative: II, IVIf the angle is measured in radians, then the slopes of the trigonometric functions can be found by differentiating the functions:d/dx sin x = cos xd/dx cos x = -sin xd/dx tan x = sec² xd/dx csc x = -csc x cot xd/dx sec x = sec x tan xd/dx cot x = -csc² x

Is the major function of your nose is cleaning the air you breathe?

No, the major function of the nose is to warm, humidify, and filter the air we breathe before it reaches the lungs. The tiny hairs in the nose help trap particles and prevent them from entering the respiratory system. Cleaning the air is a secondary function of the respiratory system as a whole.

What the function of the atmosphere?

to trap heat from the sun to shield the planet from harmful radiation and to disintigrate space debris before it reaches the surface

What is the function the atmosphere?

to trap heat from the sun to shield the planet from harmful radiation and to disintigrate space debris before it reaches the surface

What is the function of nasal activity?

Nasal activity helps filter, warm, and moisten the air we breathe before it reaches the lungs. It also plays a role in our sense of smell.

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What is function of the The nose?

Assuming you mean nostrils - they are the opening that leads to the lungs. As humans - we're supposed to inhale through our nose - as the tiny hairs in the nostrils trap dust etc before it reaches the lungs.