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If you mean 'prime' factors, then an odd number of them CAN'T produce a perfect square. Consider 3 factors ... A, B, and C. If their product were a perfect square, then AxB=C, which can't be true if C is a Prime number. For non-prime factors, an odd number of them may or may not be a perfect square: Three factors = not a square: 2 x 3 x 5 = 30. Three factors = a square: 2 x 3 x 6 = 36.

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Q: If a number has an odd number of factors is it a perfect square?
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What type of factor has an odd number of factors?

A perfect square has an odd number of factors.

What is a number that has an odd number of factors?

if a number has an odd number of factors it would be a perfect square

What is a number that has odd number of factors?

if a number has an odd number of factors it would be a perfect square

What type of number has an odd number of factors?

A perfect square has an odd number of factors. Factors of numbers always come in pairs -- except for perfect squares. Since the square root of a perfect square is listed only once on the list of factors, it results in a list with an odd number of factors.

What do you call a number with a odd number of factors?

a perfect square

What type of number has an odd number factors?

A perfect square.

What type of a number has an odd number of factors?

A perfect square.

What time of number has a odd number of factors?

A perfect square.

What is a number called with an odd numbers of factors?

A square number or a perfect square.

What type of number has odd number of factors?

A perfect square.

Does a perfect square number have and even or odd number of distinct factors show how you determine your answer?

Odd. I determined my answer by looking at the number of factors of a square number.

Does a perfect square number have even or odd number of distinct factors?

An odd number.