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Q: If a number is on the axis what quadrant is it in?
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Are the x-axis and the y-axis in any quadrant?

No the x-axis and y-axis are not in any quadrant. They go between quadrants.

Which quadrant contains -3 0?

Points on the x-axis or y-axis are not in any quadrant. Therefore, (-3,0) is not contained in a quadrant.

What is one of the four regions of the coordinate plane determined by the x axis and the y axis?

there is quadrant 1 , quadrant 2 , quadrant 3 , and quadrant 4

In which quadrant would the point 8 0 be located?

The point (8,0) is on an axis (abscissa axis or x-axis) and is therefore not in a quadrant.

If y-axis is negative what are the 3 possible answer?

The 3 possible answers are Quadrant 3 and Quadrant 4 and y-axis

What is a quadrant on a graph?

On an XY graph, the X axis and Y axis create four separate areas. Each one is a quadrant.

What type of number is to the right of zero on the x axis and above zero on the y axis?

Positive x- and y-coordinates of a point in the first quadrant.

In which quadrant is the point of origin?

The point of origin is not in any quadrant. In fact, any point on the X or Y axis is not in a quadrant. In order for a point to be in Q1, Q2, Q3 or Q4, it must not be on an axis.

What is a quadrant 2?

Quadrant II (Quadrant 2) is the region of the coordinate plane (xy-plane, a graph) that is above the x-axis and to the left of the y-axis. In this quadrant, all x values are positive and all y values are negative.

Which quadrants do the x-axis and y-axis have the same sign?

Quadrants I and III. In Quadrant I, the values are both positive. In Quadrant III, the values are both negative.

Four regions that a coordinate plane is divided into by the x-axis and y-axis?


What quadrent has 3.3 in it?

quadrant one has two positive numbers. quadrant two has neg. x numbers and positive y numbers quadrant three has two negative numbers quadrant fout has pos. x numbers and negative y numbers. 3.3 is only one value. you need two number to find the quadrant. 3.3 lies on the x-axis and doesnt lie in a quadrant. therefore you answer is no quadrant.