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Q: If a person has two wills drawn up which one is valid?
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How many wills by a person are valid?

A person can only have one single valid will at any moment. If more than one will is presented after their death, only one of them will prevail.

Is a will valid if made through and attorney?

Yes. A will is valid as long as it is made of sound mind. It sould be witnessed by at least one other person (often two) and it must declare that all other wills and testaments are invalid. Wills have been found to be valid if written by the person who is dying or soon will die and witnessed by no-one. A court once found a will to be valid by a man who was about to die and simply wrote on a piece of paper "All to mum".

Can a will be valid if it is not notarized?

A will does not have to be notarized to be valid. Holographic wills are one example. In many states the will has to be witnessed, but does not have to be notarized.

How is a will revoked?

A will is revoked by writing a new one in the proper form. A valid will automatically revokes all prior wills.

When a couple die within hours of each other does the will still stand?

# Based on if they are a married couple:If both have wills............Both wills are valid if they each have one. The first person to dies will is followed then the other persons.If only one of them has a will..............If the one with the will dies first, that will is followed and then state law is followed after the second person dies. If the person without the will dies first, generally all their assets go to their spouse. Then when the second one dies the will is followed.Not married couple:If each one has a will, then the wills are followed separately with the will of the first decedent taking precedence, which is important because they may have left assets to the one that died second.If one does not have a will, state law is used for that person and the will for the other.

How many vials of blood can be drawn from one person at one time?

Forty two (42) vials of blood may be drawn at one time.

Where can one contact a lawyer about a will in Texas?

Although any lawyer can write up a will, one would want a local attorney familiar with Texas law. A valid choice would be an attorney who specializes in wills and trusts.

What is the Plural of the first name Will?

Wills ~ you could have one Will in your class, or many Wills

There are two wills one before you wed and one after who will be the executor the spouse or the daughter?

The only valid will is the most recent one. The executor is set by the will or the court. It can be anyone.

Is a holographic will legal in Tennessee?

Yes, holographic wills are recognized in Tennessee as long as they meet specific requirements, such as being entirely handwritten and signed by the testator. However, it is generally advisable to create a formal, witnessed will to avoid potential challenges to the will's validity.

Can one divorce dissolve two marriages to one man in the state of Texas?

No. You can only be married to one person at a time. If you married the same person twice only the first marriage was valid. The second would be a legal nullity. One divorce only dissolves only one marriage.No. You can only be married to one person at a time. If you married the same person twice only the first marriage was valid. The second would be a legal nullity. One divorce only dissolves only one marriage.No. You can only be married to one person at a time. If you married the same person twice only the first marriage was valid. The second would be a legal nullity. One divorce only dissolves only one marriage.No. You can only be married to one person at a time. If you married the same person twice only the first marriage was valid. The second would be a legal nullity. One divorce only dissolves only one marriage.

The executor aka widowsubmitted into probate a will which has not the authentic signature of the decesed and now will is being contested what is the next step if probate will is tossed out?

If a will is tossed out, you next see if there is any previously signed will that has not been revoked. If there is such a will, then that will is offered for probate. If that will is also challenged and tossed out, you look for the next earlier dated will and offer that one for probate. This goes on until either a valid will is probated or there are no other wills. If there are no other valid wills, then you apply for letters of administration and proceed under the state's laws of intestate succession.